Wooooow they really brought on these randoms and we're like "pod squad!"
Also this finale is really really cringe.
#LoveIsBlind #loveisblind4
LOVE that Vanessa and Nick Lachey aren't present.
TV TONIGHT (September 1)
#TheWheelOfTime #PowerForce #Disenchantment #HowToWithJohnWilson #TheLostFlowersOfAliceHart #FamilyLaw #GodFamilyFootball #LoveIsBlind #USOpen #SmackDown #GoldRush #ReadyToLove #WomenOnDeathRow #LoveDuringLockup #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #loveduringlockup #womenondeathrow #readytolove #goldrush #smackdown #USOpen #LoveIsBlind #godfamilyfootball #familylaw #thelostflowersofalicehart #HowtoWithJohnWilson #disenchantment #powerforce #TheWheelOfTime
#Emmy Predictions 2023 - Which Program Will and Should Win in Structured Reality Program?
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/08/emmy-predictions-structured-reality.html #Emmys #Emmys2023 #AntiquesRoadshow #DinersDriveInsAndDives #LoveIsBlind #QueerEye #SharkTank
#sharktank #queereye #LoveIsBlind #DinersDriveInsAndDives #antiquesroadshow #emmys2023 #emmys #emmy
@beckalina almost on US soil, will be checking out love island this Friday evening most likely.
Btw, the finale for season 3 of #loveisblind Brazil was off the charts. One couple had a major twist, lol. They got married but split up almost a week later, and then during the finale.. the girl got engaged to someone from the show she decided to reject! Hahaha it was wild...
My love for Post Malone has only grown. Yes, I just watched him drink beer from a shoe.
@beckalina #loveisblind had live episode for Brazil season 3, and it seems like it worked out well! There are still no English subtitles available so I haven't watched the whole thing, but from the first ten minutes it looks like they had a party, lol. Audience pumping, etc
By the way, great season, awesome couples! Probably the best I have seen. All the couples made it to the altar, now to find out if they made it after....
Was happy to see Bianca from #LoveIsBlind Brazil who has a limb difference/lucky fin similar to my son's small hand 😊
I know @beckalina you are not into subtitled content, but #LoveIsBlind Brazil just dropped a new season. So far pretty good!
Heads up @justcantethan :)
#SunnyFXX #RHOC #NoraFromQueens #Arnold #MAFS #DrPimplePopper #CrackAddicts #TheUltimatumQueerLove #LoveIsBlind #BloodCurse #PumpRules #AEWDynamite #HomeInAHeartbeat #BurdenOfProof #MysteriesOfTheAbandoned #ISurvivedACrime #NBAFinals
#nbafinals #isurvivedacrime #mysteriesoftheabandoned #burdenofproof #homeinaheartbeat #aewdynamite #PumpRules #bloodcurse #LoveIsBlind #theultimatumqueerlove #crackaddicts #drpimplepopper #MAFS #Arnold #NoraFromQueens #rhoc #SunnyFXX
#LoveIsBlind season 4 has truly lowered the bar regarding trashiness. Some of these girls are clearly cast just because they're catty and dramatic. I'm sure if I went back, I could find other examples of contestants like this, but Irina and Micah are driving me up a wall
@laimis @Bavettehate4life @beckalina
We did know it was manufactured drama. Maybe the release of this information will somehow make changes?
#loveisblind4 #LoveIsBlind #loveisforcedwith50k #netflix
Zach’s #LoveIsBlind reunion redemption arc is giving a dad getting congratulated for being a good dad for watching the kid while the mom goes out one time
Oh Netflix, you tried and failed,
To make a live stream that prevailed.
You can't always be sure,
But you surely endure,
For you still have subscribers galore!
#netflix #livestream #apology #LoveIsBlind #ode #poetry
Okay, so this post prompted me to look up "#LoveIsBlind" as I had no idea what it was.
Having done so, I would support federal legislation to make illegal, retroactive to its beginning, and prosecute the producers.
As a warning to others.
I agree. Also, I'm surprised no other couple has had a baby yet.
#TrashTVBookClub #LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlind4 #LoveIsBlind4Reunion #Reunion
#trashtvbookclub #LoveIsBlind #loveisblind4 #loveisblind4reunion #reunion
@laimis @beckalina It is quite nice that the other couples are going strong a year later!
#TrashTVBookClub #LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlind4 #LoveIsBlind4Reunion #Reunion
#trashtvbookclub #LoveIsBlind #loveisblind4 #loveisblind4reunion #reunion
Public consensus is that Vanessa displayed terrible interviewing skills in the #LoveIsBlindReunion. Not enough follow-up questions, clear bias, spending too much time talking instead of listening.
Instructors currently teaching #QualitativeMethods, this is the pop culture example for you.
#LoveIsBlind #academicmastodon #academicchatter #qualitativemethods #LoveIsBlindReunion
Public consensus is that Vanessa displayed terrible interviewing skills in the #LoveIsBlindReunion. Not enough follow-up questions, clear bias, spending too much time talking instead of listening.
Instructors currently teaching #QualitativeMethods, this is the pop culture example for you.
#LoveIsBlind #academicmastodon #academicchatter #qualitativemethods #LoveIsBlindReunion
@laimis @beckalina To be fair, it was a cute thing he did for Bliss. He didn't do it live. They showed a video.
#TrashTVBookClub #LoveIsBlind #LoveIsBlind4 #LoveIsBlind4Reunion #Reunion
#trashtvbookclub #LoveIsBlind #loveisblind4 #loveisblind4reunion #reunion