Another problem I'm seeing with this game, as well as the first one, is that the outcome is too random. You'll have to play several times, remembering your choices, in order to see the different versions of the finale - and a puzzle game doesn't really supply that much replayability.
Anyway, I upgraded my rating for #LowMemory from 6 to 7 on #bgg after playing through it. Story makes up for some of the gameplay issues, in particular if you're into things like #BlackMirror.
Finished #EscapeTales #LowMemory.
Story was good, puzzles made me angry. In one case today, I used the app to get hints, then to get the solution, THEN I read bgg forums about the puzzle, THEN I spent another half hour trying to figure it out. That wasn't fun...
Played some more #EscapeTales #LowMemory, finished the first and second chapters. From a story standpoint, there are surprises, and at this point I'm a bit confused. From a gameplay perspective, there are quite a few puzzles I dislike. Some are anything but obvious. I read up the solution for two of them and still find them far-fetched. Some others aren't really puzzles but just busywork with trial and error.
IMO this one doesn't really live up to the expectations #TheAwakening gave me.
#escapetales #LowMemory #theawakening
Spielt ja sonst keiner mit mir.
#boardgames #EscapeTales #LowMemory.
#boardgames #escapetales #LowMemory