
4) creating opportunities for breaks from the screen to consider ones physical environment, eg. while they wait a day for a HD film to be delivered they might partake in other activities and ,
5) helping people gain more (if each stream is max 28kbps it becomes difficult for to track packets), perfect for ,
6) a that is analogous to the .

#hobbies #anonymity #networkanaylsis #i2p #slowwebmovement #slowfoodmovement #LowerConsumption #slowweb #slowfood

Last updated 1 year ago

What would be like if everyone tested and designed their web experiences based on individual connections of maximum 28kbps.

So you can have multiple 28kbps connections going at once, but a server basically refuses to deliver to a client at a speed greater than 28k.

Would such an be intriguing to you?

#TheInternet #internet #InternetStandards #webstandard #LowerConsumption #SmallWeb #bandwidth #bandwidthlimiting #webdesign #ethicalweb #28kclub

Last updated 1 year ago

If bitcoin were to empower big capital it would be because the people sat back and *assumed* then *allowed* the space to become dominated by capital.

It requires work and some modicum of capital, but it is decentralised and worlds ahead of legacy structures.

It also incentivises and which is imperative moving forward. Anyone who believes they should be given to overconsume is going to hate bitcoin.


#saving #LowerConsumption #credit

Last updated 2 years ago


We can finally appreciate and and reject . Bitcoin gives the advantage it has always been worthy of but never been able to secure because, over the ages, cities develop in such a way to debase currencies. Its why grifters in and despise it so vehemently.

Finally we have and end to the multi-generational War on Savers.

#LowerConsumption #degrowth #plannedobsolescence #conservation #newyork #london

Last updated 3 years ago


Having an feature like this is not just helpful from a enhanced perspective. Its also is a great , insofar as how demanding are the websites we are looking at? How often are they polling and congesting the ? Is it warranted?

To help the movement towards building more and carbon-friendly , we think a feature like this will play a role.

#network #energyefficient #websites #networking #TheInternet #privacy #awarenessTool #LowerConsumption

Last updated 4 years ago

And as we've said before, if we don't like what is doing, them the way people do .

Oh no, we can't do that because that is what did (under more and but nonetheless). We're not Trump fans, we think he was a mess but we digress.

Don't like China? Turn inward, and be okay with it. Again BTC won't solve human greed per se (though does curb ;)

#china #boycott #israel #trump #politicallyCorrect #nationalsecurity #intellectualproperty #fracking #LowerConsumption #overconsumption

Last updated 4 years ago

<see prev>

... aging ought to be celebrated fully. , tick. Less , tick. People can and do choose to work into later years (ie. higher ), tick.

A that celebrates being healthy longer is needed, when the right attitudes towards are adopted with celebrated w compared to workers we may start to see better outcomes without t need to from ...

<see next>

#LowerConsumption #violentCrime #particiption #societalShift #care #careWorkers #higherPay #nonProductive #whiteCollar #poachLabour

Last updated 5 years ago