Definitely jumping in to posting in the #webcomic #webnovel #lightnovel tags hehe
I’m currently reading:
• Survive as the Hero’s Wife
• A Returner’s Magic Should be Special
• I Became the Wife of the Male Lead
•Please Take My Brother Away
My favorite genres are probably #romance #romcom #wuxia #luxia #shojo #shounen
The #anime I like to watch is the same. Currently watching #SevenDeadlySins.
Current fav anime: #TenSura #ThatTimeIgotReincartedAsaSlime
I’m open to suggestions!
#webcomic #webnovel #lightnovel #romance #romcom #wuxia #LuXia #shojo #shounen #anime #sevendeadlysins #tensura #thattimeigotreincartedasaslime