Bones and All (2022) by Luca Guadagnino. I find Guadagnino unbearably pretentious but it's hard not to love this anthropophagous YA romance when it's trying so hard to impress me with a perfect combination of episodic road trips, artsy gore and the best Reznor/Ross score so far, throwing a fucking nostalgia fest for those of us who used to be edgy teens weirdly fond of morbid aesthetics. I just really felt it, you know?
#BonesAndAll #LucaGuadagnino #HeikeLovesLists #TopTenMovies2022
#BonesAndAll #LucaGuadagnino #heikeloveslists #toptenmovies2022
So, now that I've finally seen it, any thoughts on Luca Guadagnino's Bones and All? #BonesAndAll #LucaGuadagnino #Horror #HorrorFilms #HorrorMovies #Films #Movies
#BonesAndAll #LucaGuadagnino #horror #horrorfilms #horrormovies #films #movies
Love this movie. #IAmLove #LucaGuadagnino #Milano
#milano #LucaGuadagnino #iamlove
Love this movie. #IAmLove #LucaGuadagnino #Milano
#milano #LucaGuadagnino #iamlove
Luca Guadagnino on David Cronenberg's CRIMES OF THE FUTURE. I happen to agree with him about the film. #film #Mastodon #cinema #DavidCronenberg #LucaGuadagnino #CrimesOfTheFuture
#CrimesOfTheFuture #LucaGuadagnino #davidcronenberg #cinema #Mastodon #Film
Finally just saw Call Me by Your Name. Pretty good.
#Movies #callmebyyourname #LucaGuadagnino
Hi, I also interviewed the director of BONES AND ALL FILM, Luca Guadagnino, for the release of the film at Nightmarish Conjuring. The film is theatres now. It's extraordinary work that very much puts Guadagnino's stamp on the horror genre again. #Mastodon #film #interview #LucaGuadagnino #cinema #BonesAndAll
#bonesandall #cinema #LucaGuadagnino #interview #Film #Mastodon
Timothée Chalamet: “In Italia mi sento a casa. Devo molto a questo paese”
#14Novembre #Cinema #griglia-home #News #ProssimeUscite #bonesandall #chalamet #chalametbonesandall #chetempochefa #LucaGuadagnino #TimothéeChalamet
#timothéechalamet #LucaGuadagnino #chetempochefa #chalametbonesandall #chalamet #BonesandAll #Prossimeuscite #news #griglia #cinema #14novembre
Bones and All, recensione. Fame d’Amore by Luca Guadagnino #03Settembre #Cinema #filmlgbtq #LucaGuadagnino #MostradelcinemadiVenezia #Recensioni #TimothéeChalamet
#timothéechalamet #recensioni #MostradelcinemadiVenezia #LucaGuadagnino #filmlgbtq #cinema #03Settembre
Mostra del Cinema di Venezia, la guida completa della 79edizione | GQ Italia #JulianneMoore #HarryStyles #AdamDriver #mostradelcinemadivenezia #Venezia79 #lucaguadagnino #TimotheChalamet #26agosto
#26agosto #TimotheChalamet #LucaGuadagnino #venezia79 #MostradelcinemadiVenezia #adamdriver #harrystyles #JulianneMoore
Bones And All di Luca Guadagnino, il teaser trailer del cannibal horror con Timothée Chalamet - #filmlgbtq #LucaGuadagnino #MostradelcinemadiVenezia #11agosto
#11agosto #MostradelcinemadiVenezia #LucaGuadagnino #filmlgbtq
I corpi di A bigger splash
A bigger splash di Luca Guadagnino è un film che va visto soprattutto per la straordinaria bravura dei quattro interpreti principali: Tilda Swinton; Matthias Schoenaerts; Ralph Fiennes e Dakota Johnson.
Leggi la recensione:
#Cinema #LucaGuadagnino #Guadagnino #TildaSwinton #MatthiasSchoenaerts #RalphFiennes #DakotaJohnson
#DakotaJohnson #RalphFiennes #MatthiasSchoenaerts #tildaswinton #guadagnino #LucaGuadagnino #cinema