@aaronsgiles Ahh, it's an ingame-bug, at least of the german version.
#retrogaming #comi #MonkeyIsland #Lucasarts
Oggi inizio a tradurre la guida in NGH di Grim Fandango, ma prima mi faccio una bella ripassata.
#Lucasarts #retrogaming #AvventureGrafiche #videogiochi
Just completed #RtMI #ReturnToMonkeyIsland for the second time. This time in #German language. Is there anybody interested in my thoughts about the game or the brilliance of #LucasArts adventures? Thank you all for decades of entertaining and helping me define my sense of humor. @grumpygamer @DavidBFox @darmato
#rtmi #ReturnToMonkeyIsland #german #Lucasarts
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La #RAI annuncia la fiction "Full Throttle -- Una vita a tutto gas", rifacimento del mitico #FullThrottle della #Lucasarts, uscito per PC.
Per il ruolo di protagonista รจ stato scelto il comico #MaxGiusti.
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