Sulu the book-reading black cat recommends: 'Writing Vivid Dialogue: Professional Techniques for Fiction Authors' by Rayne Hall, one of the blue Writer's Craft guides.
(Of course Sulu is biased. The author gives him cuddles and treats. 😂)
Ebook or paperback.
#writing #writingtip #writingcraft #novelwriting #writingcommunity #cats #rescuecat #luckyblackcat
#LuckyBlackCat #rescuecat #cats #writingcommunity #novelwriting #writingcraft #writingtip #writing
This kitten - who was found in the streets, severely injured, paralysed, almost bled to death - has made such a miraculous recovery. In just a few weeks he went from crippled, homeless and hopeless, to healthy and happy with a wonderful life.
I wish you could meet little Chekhov, stroke his fur, kiss his mouth (he loves that) and hear him purr! 😍
#gratitude #LuckyBlackCat #rescuecat #catsofmastodon #cats
Sulu the book-reading black cat recommends: 'The Bride's Curse: Bulgarian Gothic Ghost and Horror Stories' by Rayne Hall.
13 suspenseful, atmospheric, spooky tales. (My horror stories are more creepy than gory.)
#Bulgaria #horror #horrorfiction #cats #luckyblackcat #gothic #reading #darkfantasy #books
#g #books #darkfantasy #reading #gothic #LuckyBlackCat #cats #horrorfiction #horror #bulgaria
Just to let everyone know: My #LuckyBlackCat is doing nothing, nothing at all.
She's *especially* not trying to find her way into the treat bag in the basket next to me.
I'm about to start my #writing day, sitting on my veranda in #Bulgaria. Roses and wildflowers scent the air.
Bees hum, birds twitter and chirp, a stork rattles its bill, the windchimes tinkle, goat bells jingle as a flock wanders past. My #luckyblackcat Sulu lies on the table, waiting for me to to start writing.
On mornings like this, I feel blessed that I am a writer and live here. I wish I could send you all some of this peaceful bliss.
#writingcommunity #amwriting
#amwriting #writingcommunity #LuckyBlackCat #bulgaria #writing
Sulu the book-reading black cat recommends: 'Ghostwriting: The Business of Writing for Other Authors'
by Rayne Hall and Mariana Sabino.
One of the Writer's Craft series for advanced writers. Ebook and paperback available.
#writingcommunity #writing
#catsofmastodon #luckyblackcat #rescuecat
#rescuecat #LuckyBlackCat #catsofmastodon #writing #writingcommunity
😍 The kitten who was found injured, with almost no blood left in his body, with paralysed legs - is in excellent shape now and growing fast. Here he is playing happily with his new young adult brother McCoy (also a rescue).
(Kitten Chekhov is on the right - not yet five months old but already almost as big as an adult.)
The two like to play-wrestle and to chase each other around the house.
#cats #rescuecats #kittens #rescuekittens #luckyblackcat
#LuckyBlackCat #rescuekittens #kittens #rescuecats #cats
Sulu the book-reading black cat recommends: "Writing Fight Scenes: Professional Techniques for Fiction Authors" by Rayne Hall.
The book is part of the bestselling blue Writer's Craft guides by Rayne Hall. Ebook and paperback available.
Sulu is an adorable rescue cat whom I adopted from a cat shelter. He loves books and enjoys posing for photos. 😍
#writing #writingtip #writingtips #writetip #fictionwriting #writingcommunity #luckyblackcat #rescuecat #cats
#cats #rescuecat #LuckyBlackCat #writingcommunity #fictionwriting #writetip #writingtips #writingtip #writing
Update about the rescued kitten: 😍 The little boy has made a full recovery. You wouldn't believe that this is the same kitten that was found half-dead from injuries, with almost no blood left in his ice-cold body.
He's now warm, safe, healthy, playful & happy. He has even regained full movement in his paralysed legs.
He's still shy and often hides, but enjoys cuddles and gets on well with my other cats.
#cats #rescuecats #kitten #catsofinstagram #catrescue #luckyblackcat #Bulgaria
#bulgaria #LuckyBlackCat #catrescue #catsofinstagram #kitten #rescuecats #cats
There is no better pillow than tail under crossed front paws. I was wanting to get her with eyes closed, but cameras are sus.
Me and my spouse are currently giggling as our #LuckyBlackCat is snoring loudly. And I *mean* loudly.
It's adorable, but how can such a smol thing make such noise?
Me, looking up at #LuckyBlackCat sitting on the CD case next to her tree (it used to be where her treats were, but the tree is now tall enough to easily let her up there, so we've moved them): "Is that where you're sitting?"
Midnatt, whining slightly as she hops back to the tree and starts cleaning a paw: "Nope, just your imagination"
I am so glad to have my #LuckyBlackCat ... last night I couldn't sleep, but once I finally got to bed she came to join me. First she was chattering because the burdies outside the window were mean and not letting her catch them, and then she curled up on my hip.
She then moved further down, so I could only reach a paw and her tail, and she was purring up a storm while I was petting paw and tail and awww ... *heart melts*
Our #LuckyBlackCat is amazingly patient and clearly trusts us very much.
My spouse was trimming her claws (which she accepted by just laying there limply) ... and then he accidentally cut her nail too short (no bleeding, thankfully). She reacted by firmly hissing at him that he'd done wrong ... and then went back to laying limply in his arms.
He decided to wait with the other three paws and she got treats and an apology, but how many cats would stay in claw-trimming lap?
My heart is just ... full.
So, my #LuckyBlackCat has *lots* of places to lay down. If she wants to lay close to me there's a stool next to my chair.
but today, of course, she needed to lay on the footstool that I use for my feet. And of course I petted her. And then she looked up at me with that kind of thing where the cat just looks up at you with a trusting, adorable expression as I petted her cheeks and chin and *swoons*
I love cats.
Finally done! My #LuckyBlackCat is now happily perching in her tree, which is tall and amazing! #CatsOfMastodon
#LuckyBlackCat #catsofmastodon
My poor #LuckyBlackCat is *not* happy with us right now (though for good reasons).
So, some might know/remember that we bought a new tree for her a while back. And when we unpacked it ... two pieces were broken. Well, we ended up cobbling something together, and after two e-mails (that went unanswered) we finally remembered to call at a time when the internet shop was open and *finally* get the ball rolling on replacing those parts.
However, one problem: they didn't have spare parts.
Sometimes the timing of #LuckyBlackCat's vocalizations are amazing. I'm talking to the spouse about my sister, who will pick up Midnatt, hold her and pet her, whether Midnatt wants her to or not (it sounds worse than it is).
I said something about "Midnatt seems to tolerate <sister>" and suddenly, out of nowhere ... "Mrr!" from our cat. Apparently she does *not* tolerate my sister? <.<
My #LuckyBlackCat would like you all to know that she was doing nothing, nothing at all. Stretching! She was just stretching against the bookcase that has her treats on top.
My #LuckyBlackCat on top of the clock, with the top of her (unfinished due to faulty parts) cat tree next to it, as well as the top of the next room door frame