Around this time of the #LunarCycle, the #Moon is very close to the position of the #Sun in the sky and so to get a picture of it, you either have to be up just before dawn for the #OldMoon and just after dusk for the #NewMoon. The actual new Moon was yesterday but this evening, I managed to capture this thin sliver of a #WaxingCrescent. Of course it’s very dim at present and so I had to use a #tripod.
#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #BackyardAstronomy #AmateurAstronomy #Crescent
#LunarCycle #moon #sun #OldMoon #newmoon #waxingcrescent #tripod #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #BackYardAstronomy #amateurastronomy #crescent
#LunarCycle has distinct effect on #sleep, study suggests | Sleep | The Guardian