Deborah Levy very good value in today's #LunchWithTheFT. Despite not being hungry puts away a negroni, three courses and a glass of wine.
Today's #LunchWithTheFT ends up with a former US Treasury Secretary getting his car towed!
Fancy blowing £14 on water when you could have had tap and more booze. #LunchWithTheFT
Very enjoyable #LunchWithTheFT interview with #AnnieProulx in the FT. She was the same age as I am now when her debut novel was published. I guess I should be inspired by this. But I suspect I peaked some time ago.
Very enjoyable #LunchWithTheFT interview with #AnnieProulx in the FT. She was the same age as I am now when her debut novel was published. I guess I should be inspired by this. But I suspect I peaked some time ago.
Ah the crypto guys. Can't find a decent restaurant that accepts it. Luckily the FT had $150 of the folding stuff or near equivalent. #LunchWithTheFT
Ah the crypto guys. Can't find a decent restaurant that accepts it. Luckily the FT had $150 of the folding stuff or near equivalent. #LunchWithTheFT
Angela Rayner comes across as good lunch company. Trolling Raab et al by eating at the Royal Opera House as well. #LunchWithTheFT