Why the hell is stuff interviewing the irrelevant spare wheel? Ie #LyinLuxon
...the only person less relevant in a national emergency would be Wayne Brown.
Wow, with this and Jessica coaching #LyinLuxon, can the rich possibly fail to get elected? Hold onto your wallet, poor people, they're coming for you yet again (with the help of the media, who get the advertising revenue). https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/130765512/act-leader-david-seymours-year-of-asking-the-hard-questions
Listening to Luxon & Rimmer this is what NZ'ers want - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/30/more-than-70-per-cent-english-water-industry-foreign-ownership
oh, wait, that's right, Luxon said he wasn't going to sell off our assets. Funny, b/c every NAT govt before has done exactly this.
#nzpol #LyinLuxon #LuxonNotFit #nationalnotfittogovern
CW nzpol
Listening to Luxon & Rimmer this is what NZ'ers want - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/30/more-than-70-per-cent-english-water-industry-foreign-ownership
oh, wait, that's right, Luxon said he wasn't going to sell off our assets. Funny, b/c every NAT govt before has done exactly this.
#nzpol #LyinLuxon #LuxonNotFit #nationalnotfittogovern
RT @rugbyintel
Morena, Losers. #LyinLuxon has a positive, motivating statement about your attitude & that of your fellow NZers to help you jump out of bed & attack the day.
The master of the gaffe, flip flops, U turns, easily confused has a word salad affliction a.k.a. verbal diarrhea and ull of corporate jargon BS
RT @rugbyintel@twitter.com
#LyinLuxon has solved the climate emergency
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rugbyintel/status/1588576640824934400
#LyinLuxon #CantMakeItUp #NutsUnfitToGovern
can someone help @chrisluxonmp get it through his thick skull, TAX CUTS DO NOT HELP THE LOW-INCOME!
#NationalNotFitToGovern #LyinLuxon
Another brilliant piece by @rodemmerson. #LyinLuxon
#nzpol #NationalNotFitToGovern #LyinLuxon
RT @rugbyintel
Top marks to Melissa Stokes for holding #LyinLuxon to account for his tax cuts for the greedy policy. $2 a week for you & $360 a week for him & his rich mates.
RT @rugbyintel@twitter.com
A reminder that only 5 days after our PM signed a historic free trade deal with the EU, #LyinLuxon was bagging them & praising the UK on Brexit at a Tory "think" tank that was heavily involved in deceiving the Brit public into voting for UK's greatest self-inflicted disaster. Yep https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1583937263712366592
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rugbyintel/status/1583937263712366592
RT @rugbyintel@twitter.com
Time for another ripper episode of #LyinLuxon's
"That Makes No Fucken Sense"
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rugbyintel/status/1572874295478407168
RT @rugbyintel@twitter.com
#LyinLuxon exposed after going through the Susie Ferguson truth mill this morning. Reduced to his trademark whimper at one stage.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rugbyintel/status/1572449442330214401
RT @rugbyintel@twitter.com
The National Party caucus voted to reinstate #ThugUffindell without seeing the report because #LyinLuxon doesn't want ANYONE to see it.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rugbyintel/status/1572042837159739392
RT @IRONH3ART53@twitter.com
I believe in taxes, taxes help to rebuild or maintain the infrastructure of this beautiful Society. But when you have Idealists with one thought in just making profit and power..? Thats when I have a problem with companies.
#ChurArdern #nzpol #NationalNotFitToGovern
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/IRONH3ART53/status/1566898854670192640
#ChurArdern #nzpol #nationalnotfittogovern #LyinLuxon
RT @spider_hoof@twitter.com
So when @chrisluxonmp@twitter.com takes his parents car (I assume not having a license), crashes it and causes damage then tries to cover it up, its a "cute fathers day story" and not a crime.
RT @spider_hoof@twitter.com
So when @chrisluxonmp@twitter.com takes his parents car (I assume not having a license), crashes it and causes damage then tries to cover it up, its a "cute fathers day story" and not a crime.
RT @alpine_bruce@twitter.com
If you are wondering why media seem so anti-government and anti-Jacinda lately...
#ChurArdern #nzpol #NationalNotFitToGovern
#TeamOf5Million #LyinLuxon
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alpine_bruce/status/1566616665429012480
#ChurArdern #nzpol #nationalnotfittogovern #TeamOf5Million #LyinLuxon
There's a roasting satire in NZ politics that reflects the UK, but is so different from American politics. This speech would be unthinkable in the US.
RT @rugbyintel
If you watch nothing else today you MUST watch Grant Robertson eviscerate #LyinLuxon