Matthias Fejes - Insights into optical resonances determined by the topology of the Möbius strip:
#MöbiusStrip #MöbiusRing #Möbius #BerryPhase #Polarization #OpticalResonances #Resonances #Optics #Physics
#physics #optics #Resonances #OpticalResonances #Polarization #BerryPhase #Möbius #MöbiusRing #MöbiusStrip
#WednesdayWisdom: Don't forget the 9 sexy alternatives to the #FlatEarthTheory:
- #MontyPython's #Banana earth
- #Penis earth
- #Dalí earth
- #Cat earth
- #RickAndMorty's #Plumbus earth
- #middlefinger earth
- #Batmanlogo earth
- #MöbiusStrip earth
&my favourite
- spherical earth
#cat #rickandmorty #Batmanlogo #MöbiusStrip #wednesdaywisdom #FlatEarthTheory #montypython #banana #penis #dalí #plumbus #middlefinger
9 sexy Alternatives to the #FlatEarthTheory
1) #MontyPython's #Banana #Earth
2) Penis Earth
3) #Dalí Earth
4) #Cat Earth
5) #RickAndMorty's #Plumbus Earth
6) #middlefinger Earth
7) #Batmanlogo Earth
8) #MöbiusStrip Earth
and my all time favourite
9) spherical Earth
#FlatEarthTheory #montypython #banana #earth #dalí #rickandmorty #plumbus #middlefinger #Batmanlogo #MöbiusStrip #cat