Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Seven: SMARTEST RPG You've Played
Smart? For best crunch-meets-fluff, I would say Mage the Ascension. Learn the fabric of the universe and how to manipulate it without (or with purpose) tearing it apart. You had to understand the Spheres and you can use them to cast magic. But you could also be highly imaginative with their use.
For "mathy" smart, I'd say HERO System. Numbers numbers numbers. But you could build any character.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #mta #M20
Happy RPG A Day 2023
Day Six: Favorite Game You NEVER Get to Play
That would be old World of Darkness, especially Vampire the Masquerade, Mage the Ascension, and Changeling the Dreaming. The 90s were a grand time to be an RPGer. I loved all my WoD games.
#RPGADAY2023 #TTRPG #RPGADay #WorldOfDarkness #WoD #oWoD #VtM #V20 #MtA #M20 #CtD #ChangelingTheDreaming #C20 #VampireTheMasquerade #MageTheAscension
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #worldofdarkness #wod #oWoD #vtm #v20 #mta #M20 #ctd #changelingthedreaming #C20 #VampireTheMasquerade #magetheascension
In case you haven’t heard, there is a new #werewolftheapocalypse edition in the works. I love the #WoD, but #Werewolf has to be my all-time favorite setting! I was lucky enough to finish an amazing #Chronicle (how #campaigns are called in the WoD) with my beloved player group, taking them from Rank 1 to Rank 5 and opening a new #Caern and founding their own #Sept ! It was epic! We used the #W20 edition for better integration with #M20 #Mage and #V20 Vampire. In fact, we revisited that world…
#werewolftheapocalypse #WoD #Werewolf #chronicle #campaigns #caern #sept #w20 #M20 #mage #v20