People say we have the best healthcare in the world but I wanna scream and stab my eyes out every time I have to deal with doctors. Maybe universal isn’t the best healthcare system but there’s no fucking way it’s worse than the US
#universalhealthcare #m4a #leftist
#universalhealthcare #M4A #leftist
@jackofalltrades @tarmoamer @Nonya_Bidniss @MarkBrigham @breadandcircuses
My thought on this is that in markets you need a way to establish fair pricing.
Market capitalism presents the idea that a price is fair if two people who can freely walk away from a bad deal opt not to.
This, in turn, is supposed to cause a feedback into systems where they realize they could sell more by pricing better.
Sometimes this works, other times not.
I'm not an economist either, but my understanding from Wikipedia is that the notion of price elasticity of demand covers the issue of some markets basically not being adequately sensitive to price. This happens, for example, when the item is an essential thing people can't not get, like insulin. There the price doesn't come down (without outside help, as recently) but rather extortion occurs. People have to have it, so will pay whatever. Really a lot of healthcare is like that.
Socialism, or what I think of as socialized markets, like socialized health care often seems to help a lot in cases where markets are not ABLE to regulate prices. That's not because humans are necessarily better than markets in general, but because in situations where markets simply do not work at all, there is no other choice. It's a contest with only one valid entrant, capitalism having disqualified itself, though it often doesn't admit it.
Job markets are another. Through various means (that antitrust seeks to break), companies conspire to not hire above a certain wage, thus forcing people to either take a low price or go starving. So of course people take it. But that doesn't make it fair. There's a great Adam Smith quote in the Wikipedia entry for Inequality of Bargaining Power on this.
#capitalism #inequality #markets #socialism #employment #SocializedHealthcare #MedicareForAll #M4A
#capitalism #inequality #markets #socialism #employment #socializedhealthcare #medicareforall #M4A
Im fairly certain the #insulin i got has gone bad. The last pen I ended up taking 30 units as my glucose levels rose to 400 (!!!) with no effect. Tossed the pen and opened a new one, which worked at first. Now I’m at 20 units for a bowl of cheerios and my glucose is at almost 300. Insurance wants the pens before they’ll give me a new box. Wtf?!
#medicareforall #M4A
For the umpteenth time in lord knows how many months, my insurance wasn’t applied to a doctors visit. So once again I’m on the phone attempting to take car of…
…and they literally just told me there’s a second bill that insurance want applied to
@thedemocrats Making people live in tents is NEVER going to get me to vote blue.
This is why I am anti-Capitalist
Housing is a human right.
Fk the corporate capitalist puppet duopoly.
Vote Socialist
Cut war & police by 75%
Cap wealth at $100m the rest goes to the people.
The fact that #BlueMAGA utopia makes people homeless tells me all that I need to know about Capitalism & the DNC
#demexit #VoteGreen #M4A #gnd #ubi #freehousing #freeuniversity #BlueMAGA #nbnmw
@Sigma Nope, sorry
Los Angeles CA Green party Eco-Socialist, would never vote Capitalist
Blue Tie Capitalism is as bad as Red Tie Capitalism.
Union, working class, Socialist anti-fas, anti-war, anti-police state
Demand #M4A #GND #UBI legal weed, free university, free public tiny housing
Seizure of all individual wealth over $100m = max cap
Also 75% cut to war & police spending
Green = Eco as in Ecological Socialist
instead of:
top 10% own >75%
top 20% own >85%
btm 40% own 0%
btm 50% own 1%
@carlablau37 Vaush is very far tothe left of Biden, so in this video he is pleasantly surprised by what Biden is promising. He also said he expects this to be watered down. The real point is that a Biden Admin needs to have real solutions to current problems, and centrists don't really ever have solutions, therefore they steal ideas from the right or left. These days the right doesn't have any new ideas. Already they are talking about a 'Temporary #M4A' – which, who knows, could work so well that people wont want to give it up later.
Does A Fixation On Health Care Distract From The Fight For Working Class Power?
'Irami Osei-Frimpong, discusses Maslow's hierarchy of needs.'
Irami Osei-Frimpong youtube channel
+ Tw:
Children in U.S. May Miss 9 Million Vaccine Doses in 2020, Report Warns
'...failure to maintain childhood vaccine rates could compromise what is known as herd immunity. The term refers to the point at which a disease stops spreading because nearly everyone in a population has become immune to it.
“We know that once you fall below herd immunity, it offers a foothold for these deadly childhood diseases to once again rear their head in our communities,” Dr. Ranney said in an interview.
Blue Cross Blue Shield said that 40 percent of parents and legal guardians whom it had surveyed said that their children missed their vaccinations because of the pandemic...'
#Important detail #USElections
AOC: 'Every single swing-seat House Democrat who endorsed #MedicareForAll #M4A won re-election or is on track to win re-election.
Every. Single. One.'
#important #uselections #MedicareForAll #M4A