@GottaLaff just went to see his account: psycho clowns and a dirty toilet... yep that's MAGA for you! Strange that they too identify as such 🤦♀️
#MAGAfascists #idiocracy2023
Listening to MAGA Uncovered (MAGA gets UNCOVERED with New Trump Indictment and MAGA Meltdown.): https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/537745/pscrb.fm/rss/p/pdst.fm/e/traffic.megaphone.fm/MTH1052214802.mp3?updated=1691029311
On todays MAGA Uncovered, Ron & Anthony discuss Trump’s problematic legal defense, Melania’s hair, De Santis’ racism, Devon Archer’s deposition, James Comer’s lies and MTG’s fury at Trump’s indictment.
https://www.podtrac.com/pts/redirect.mp3/pdst.fm/e/chrt.fm/track/537745/pscrb.fm/rss/p/pdst.fm/e/traffic.megaphone.fm/MTH1052214802.mp3?updated=1691029311 #politics #podcast #maga #magats #magatraitors #MAGATerrorists #MAGAfascism #MAGAfascists #magaextremists
#magaextremists #MAGAfascists #MAGAfascism #MAGATerrorists #magatraitors #magats #maga #podcast #politics
What #MAGAfascists complaining #indoctrination look like. #Hampublican #gopclownshow
#MAGAfascists #indoctrination #Hampublican #gopclownshow
All while preaching adoption as a perfect solution againts abortion. Vile and stupid! MTG is the poster girl for the #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists #idiocracy2023
#idiocracy2023 #MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists
@crooksandliars bullies! All entitled armed bullies fighting for their rights over the rest of the world. #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists #GunControlNow #IamANTIFA
#iamantifa #guncontrolnow #MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists
And so it begins...🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳😈
Anonymous taking no prisoners!✊🍿
#GQPDomesticTerrorists #IamANTIFA #MAGAFascists #Anonymous
#Anonymous #MAGAfascists #iamantifa #GQPDomesticTerrorists
What the nation is also seeing is our entire future, if we don't fix this shit now. That means pushing the norms and boundaries to their limit and using every legal measure to take them down. DOJ, are you seeing this?
#doj #MAGAfascists #tennesseegop
Also, please remember... back then the INQUISITION was at work (look it up if you aren't aware of its significance in the view of christofascism) and that is why his gender his humbly covered! But apparently for #MAGAFascists and #GQPClownShow this MASTERPIECE is blasphemy! When talibans had the same views regarding Budas Statues, you guys went to war againts them 🤨
#idiocracy2023 #gqpclownshow #MAGAfascists
Expect the worse, they are already telling each others to be ready!
#GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists
#MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists
Talking about explosive devices found in January...can we PLEASE have her comment on the explosive device found in January 6th? You know... the one where we have a footage of the culprit who happens to use the same shoes as MTG and demeanor??🤨🤨
#AccountabilityNow #MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists
Watch "Fox News Blames SVB Collapse on "Woke" & Trump's J6 Choir Drops Cringe Single | The Daily Show" on YouTube https://youtu.be/OiTNhJAXnpA
Seriously everytime I hear a republiKKKan say "female" I want to punch them! Oh the irony!!! Why care so fucking much about the definition of WOMAN is they are gonne use an adjective! And the buffons pretend to care about pronouns🙄🙄my man! Define pronoun....I'll wait!💅💅💅💅
#idiocracy2023 #mysogyny #FoxNewsBreedsTerrorism #MAGAFascists
#MAGAfascists #FoxNewsBreedsTerrorism #mysogyny #idiocracy2023
"Those boots were made to walk" so dorothy your way out ron!
#MAGAFascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #idiocracy2023
#idiocracy2023 #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAfascists
@morgfair really well written and explained. I love how he ends saying "No one who relies on facts and logic will be fooled."
Alas!!! TuKKKer audience can't be define as such.
#FoxNewsBreedsTerrorism #MAGAFascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #idiocracy2023
#idiocracy2023 #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAfascists #FoxNewsBreedsTerrorism
@ggreeneva wanting to live with dignity isn't wanting a fight except for bigots! Why do they care so much how others identify themselves? I mean, if I were identifying him as a dickhead, I'll understand his tantrum but what we have here is fascism. they believe they are entitled to dictact their way of life on everyone. Don't let them! #LGBTIQ #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists
#MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #LGBTIQ
they only want "small government" for THEM. The rest? Government should "big brother" the shit out of them! Like ALL #FASCISTS do! Arrest #DomesticTerrorists don't elect them!
There is a reason they don't want people to be educated or have health care! Not the #AmericanDream I was sold! #IamANTIFA #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists
#MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #iamantifa #americandream #domesticterrorists #fascists
@SmudgeTheInsultCat not fair! Gremlins had rules, knew how to count and understood "in prol of the community" ... #MAGAFascists don't 💅
@Dogzilla are you kidding me!!! Arrest the traitor already!
I bet anyone the charity is a shell such as ALL trump charities! #AccountabilityNow #GQPDomesticTerrorists #GQPClownShow #MAGAFascists #MAGACult
They do a song for the domestic terrorists but top secret documents stolen and sold to US ennemies? 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
#MAGACULT #MAGAfascists #gqpclownshow #GQPDomesticTerrorists #AccountabilityNow
"We control them all" is textbook fascism !
#AccountabilityNow #MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #iamantifa #ifyoudidntknownowyouknow
@waynedixon @georgetakei
Same old tactics 🤬
#Fascism101 #propaganda
#GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists
#MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #Propaganda #fascism101
@TheUSASingers not even! He treats America as he treats his dog snowflake! #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists #CancunTed
#cancunted #MAGAfascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists