That's a beautiful shot, especially being in color.
Do tell me, is this cheating? Not having the proper equipment for serious #StarPhotography, I make use of the publicly available #MicroObservatory. The Observatory makes available a half dozen 6" #Mak-Newts from different locations.
I can schedule and get raw b/w and R G B images. I then use software I've created to process and produce final results, like the #Andromeda photo below.
#andromeda #MAK #microobservatory #starphotography
@PaulGreene @AlexSanterne
I don't have the tracking equipment to compete with that. I have the optics, but not the tracking.
I've make do by using the publicly available #MicroObservatory, a Harvard Smithsonian project. They make available a half dozen 6" #Mak-Newts, and on this occasion one in Chile. I processed the raw RGB images with my own software.
The #CarinaNebula, Micro Observatory 6" image.
#carinanebula #MAK #microobservatory
Redaktionsmitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) – Publikationsplattformen, E 9 TV-L, zwei Jahren in Vollzeit ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften | Bewerbungsfrist: 31.08.2022 https://www.zbmed.de/ueber-uns/karriere/stellenausschreibungen/redaktionsmitarbeiterin-mwd-publikationsplattformen/ | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/79265 #openbibliojobs #MAK-Collection #Redaktion
#redaktion #MAK #openbibliojobs
Redaktionsmitarbeiter:in (m/w/d) in der Redaktion der MAK-Collection,Programmbereichs Open Science, E 9 TV-L, befristet, Zeichen: PB 12/22 auf 2 Jahre ZB MED – Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften | Bewerbungsfrist: 31.05.2022 https://www.zbmed.de/ueber-uns/karriere/stellenausschreibungen/redaktionsmitarbeiterin-mwd-mak-collection/ | https://jobs.openbiblio.eu/stellenangebote/75375 #openbibliojobs #MAK-Collection #Redaktion
#redaktion #MAK #openbibliojobs