MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
724 followers · 11748 posts · Server

J'apprends que le souverain reçoit, à nouveau, , cet autre souverain qui ne vit que pour le bonheur de son peuple.
MBS, ce démocrate, ce grand ami de la France et de l'OTAN, ce défenseur du climat.

Mais cet hôte de marque a bien d'autres facettes.
Par exemple, il va bientôt faire exécuter 7 personnes, dont l'une n’avait que 12 ans au moment des faits.
Preuve de sa clémence, il a attendu que le criminel ait 18 ans révolus pour le pendre.
Un cœur d'or on vous dit.

#macron #MBS #peinedemort #yemen #droitdesfemmes #pollution #travailforce #democratie

Last updated 1 year ago

Gernot Wagner · @gwagner
4048 followers · 211 posts · Server

How much longer are we debating whether renewables are stable and dependable enough to power the world? [free to read]

#MBS #Climate #oil

Last updated 1 year ago

so you tell me, they want to build a city ...shaped like -the wall-

#Neom #ksa #MBS #TheLine #meme #mamema #memes #saudi #thewall #pinkfloyd #MastoArt

Last updated 2 years ago

ever yearning topics for , i stumbled over an other acceptable target; ​s project. the concept of sounds like taken from some dystopian book.

for the latter, i very much enjoyed (to my knowledge has it).

and if you dont have access, has tradition in , here a consolidation price, takes a bit of patience in the beginning, but worth the while;

#memes #saudiarabia #Neom #TheLine #scifi #elhoyo #theplatform #netflix #horror #spain #ksa #MBS #meme #mamema #espana

Last updated 2 years ago

someone has been complaining about pushing advertisement* on the ...

...i dont see why we on should be deprived of such valuable assets!?

*i made the observation that it really matters where you geographically are, on what your ​™ is gonna be; in some countries ive been; all neom, in others none. and in one place there were mostly goofy "has this ever happened to you" adds.

#Neom #birdsite #mastodon #twitteraddexperience #TheLine #ksa #MBS #twitter #mamema #meme #memes #saudi #arabia

Last updated 2 years ago

Ciarán Fahey ⚡️ · @cfahey
103 followers · 62 posts · Server

Judge dismisses lawsuit against Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman over the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, bowing to the Biden admin’s insistence he has sovereign immunity.

Rights groups say it would give a green light for future abuses.

#MBS #Khashoggi #saudiarabia

Last updated 2 years ago

MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
533 followers · 9200 posts · Server


Excellent article fourni et argumenté sur le moyen de pression énorme que constitue la production de l'OPEP+ sur la politique intérieure US.

Le Kremlin est venu au sommet de l'OPEP+ la semaine dernière en demandant, sans trop y croire, une réduction journalière de 1 million de barils.
Le potentat de Ryad en exigé et obtenu 2 millions.
Pourquoi cet affront après que Biden ait fait la carpette le mois dernier à Ryiad ?

“The Saudis are well aware that the price of gasoline at the pump has been a crucial political issue in the United States since 1973,” Bruce Riedel, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told The Intercept in an email. “They want a big increase to help the Republicans,” he added, explaining that MBS sees the GOP winning back Congress as the “first step to Trump winning in 2024 and a setback for Biden.”

In 1973, Saudi Arabia led an oil embargo designed to punish the U.S. and other countries that supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War. Then, in 1979, Saudi Arabia again led an oil embargo — this time in the wake of the Iranian revolution, with the resultant high gas prices playing an arguably decisive role in Jimmy Carter’s loss to Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential race."

#opep #MBS #prixdupetrole #petropolitique

Last updated 2 years ago

Sabcat · @Sabcat
59 followers · 7223 posts · Server

Ils veulent pas sécuriser les gens qui se font massacrer par plutôt ?

#MBS #yemen #macron #complice #assassin

Last updated 2 years ago

Amnesty Duesseldorf · @AmnestyDdorf
122 followers · 444 posts · Server

Salma al-Shehab war nicht einmal eine führende oder besonders lautstarke Person auf . Trotzdem wurde die 34-jährige Mutter in zu 34 Jahren Haft verurteilt! + anschließend Ausreisesperre! Die Handshakes von Präsidenten Biden und Macron mit haben anschließend nichts bewirkt für die ...

#twitter #SaudiArabien #MBS #menschenrechte

Last updated 2 years ago

MMR Nmd · @MMRnmd
534 followers · 9201 posts · Server
· @Hefe_Im_Teig
108 followers · 1369 posts · Server


In diesem Augenblick werden die Protetierenden vor der -Arena von der Polizei kontrolliert und bekommen eine Anzeige wegen Verstoßes gegen das ....

#MBS #Versammlungsgesetz

Last updated 4 years ago

>>>----g----> · @g
21 followers · 1314 posts · Server

z -u byl -nut zprávou podepsanou od na . Tak hodně zdaru všem, kteří druhé tak často označují za zbytečné paranoiky.

#whatsup #MBS #hack #amazon #bezos

Last updated 5 years ago