David Ing · @daviding
497 followers · 189 posts · Server qoto.org

A series of articles by with leading media outlets has been lined up. This article in Forbes sets a direction.

> But in 2015, when the world replaced the [], things went wrong. World leaders could again have chosen to focus on a few, crucial targets. They could even have kept the same targets, since they are so important to the world’s most vulnerable people. We could have focused on pinpointing where the needs are deepest and the opportunities are greatest.

> Instead, the and world leaders came up with a hodge-podge, absurdly long list of 169 targets for the world to achieve from 2015-2030: the .


#MillenniumDevelopmentGoals #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #BjornLomborg #MDGs #unitednations

Last updated 2 years ago