BACK IN 1999-2000 we were running 8 BOXES (Co-located) all load balanced & fully Scalable.

(basically invented a k8 systems way better than the k8's they got running today) purring away LIKE little KITTENS (10k simultaneous hits per second minimum) in 2000.

Making in excess of 180k per month NET behind the scenes server side;) (OVERHEAD 2k)

Invented (Real Time Bidding) and (High Frequency Trading) both stolen by BIG TECH and the USA Government.

..only reason no-one heard about us is because we flew under the radar;)

..making so much money we didn't want to attract attention


The IRS knows about us though. Wrote checks to the IRS to the tune of 100k year after year.

2 Audits? Beat the IRS Twice. IRS Statutes are so full of holes it look-like Swiss Cheese??

So many back doors bc of all the modifications they made to plug flawed logic (False Positives & Negatives) to make more money…

Coincidentally both RTB (Real Time Bidding) and (High Frequency Trading) software was stolen in 2007 -- near the exact same time of IRS ??

Yes the potential of the internet has been HIDDEN by greedy--shall we say that do not have anymore that the local we see on every street corner DAILY in FLORIDA

They are Tricky DICKS aren't they? (cunning and baffling)

Stay tuned for launch. We will clue everyone in;)

Oh almost forgot..

| .. GRIN

While the greedy sat on hands for last two decades STEALING OTHERS INVENTIONS AND CODE --WE HAVE BEEN BUSY ;)

Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #WHO_ARE_WE #us #linux #RTB #HFT #audits #snake_oil_salesmen #BRAINS #PAN_HANDLERS #JOBS_FOR_ALL #world_wide #MEAT_EATERS #bees

Last updated 2 years ago


~EXACTLY.. Finally after 25 years someone with COMMON SENSE!~


BACK IN 1999-2000 we were running 8 BOXES all load balanced

(basically invented k8 systems way better than the k8's they got running today)

purring away LIKE little KITTENS (10k simultaneous hits per second) in 2000

making in excess of 180k per month behind the scenes server side;)

Invented and both stolen by BIG TECH and the USA Government.

..only reason no-one heard about us is because we flew under the radar;)

making so much money we didn't want to attract attention


The IRS knows about us though. Wrote checks to the IRS to the tune of 100k year after year.

2 audits? beat the IRS Twice. IRS Statutes are so full of holes it look like swiss cheese??

so many back doors bc of all the modifications they made to plug flawed logic to make more money...

yes the potential of the internet has been HIDDEN by these Greedy MORONS like Bill Gates.. that many trust.

Stay tuned for launch. We will clue everyone in;)

Oh almost forgot..


While the greedy sat on hands for last two decades STEALING OTHERS INVENTONS AND CODE --WE BEEN BUSY ;)

Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#Refreshing #linux #RTB #HFT #JOBS_FOR_ALL #world_wide #MEAT_EATERS #bees

Last updated 2 years ago