RT @HREhistorian
We need a German word for the relief/elation you feel upon discovering that an obscure, out-of-print volume you need for your research has been made available online in open access. I propose "Onlineverfügbarkeitsfreude." #medievaltwitter
Unpopular opinion, aber ich finde Wolframs von Eschenbach "Parzival" extrem langweilig.
RT @prof_gabriele@twitter.com
new from me & @Lollardfish@twitter.com in "Modern Medieval" - a conversation with @GoingMedieval@twitter.com about her great new book @wwnorton@twitter.com. please share widely. #medievaltwitter #twitterstorians #history
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/prof_gabriele/status/1616524346121486354
#History #twitterstorians #MEDIEVALTWITTER
RT @drdan_o
The three dead ambush the three living - jabbing large arrows at them. The cadaverous figures are no longer buried but one still has a shroud hanging over them. Detail from the 'Playfair Hours' c.1480 (@V_and_A) #mementomori #medievaltwitter #medieval
#medieval #MEDIEVALTWITTER #mementomori
Of interest @LizzaAiken@twitter.com? Bees, royalty and Simon Battersea from The Witch of Clatteringshaws.
RT @SarahBlick3@twitter.com
#MedievalTwitter #Merovingian
Retweeting this because they're cool. Gold and enamel and garnet bees (or cicadas) from the tomb of Childéric, Frankish king (r. 457-481). Napoleon took inspiration from this find & had them embroidered on his coronation cape
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SarahBlick3/status/1610493307779522560
Für mich immer noch einer der wildesten Texte, die mir so unter die Augen gekommen sind. 🫣
Für mich immer noch einer der wildesten Texte, die mir so unter die Augen gekommen sind. 🫣
RT @HindererJohn
Diplomatik, Sphragistik, Paläographie, Heraldik
#medievaltwitter #diplomatics
Just made the jump, trying to figure out what’s up and down over here. I’m a #medievalist who played around on #medievaltwitter and am exited to figure out the #histodons #medievalmastodon #medievaldons over here.
#medievaldons #medievalmastodon #histodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER #medievalist
RT @tlecaque@twitter.com
Hey #medievaltwitter, if you'd forgotten to check in with Rachel Fulton Brown's descent into full blown far right fascist madness recently, she's forwarding Nick Fuentes' messages about Kanye West's Spotify ranking on her channel.
RT @Brepols@twitter.com
On October 12th, 'A Man and His #Manuscripts.
The Notebooks of #AdemarofChabannes (989–1034)' was launched during a study afternoon at @ubleiden@twitter.com.
More Info: http://bit.ly/3V38YwJ
#MedievalTwitter #ManuscriptStudies
#manuscriptstudies #MEDIEVALTWITTER #ademarofchabannes #manuscripts
HEY it looks like there IS a Guppe group going already! (I think this really illustrates why hashtags etc. need broadly communicated to prevent invisibility).
If you follow @medievodons, you will see all posts that have it tagged show in your feed. If you’re a medievalist, think of it as a more intense way of community access like using #MedievalTwitter on the other site. Also may fill the role of lists for junior scholars (listen in w/o drawing notice). #medievodons #medievalists
#medievalists #medievodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER
HEY it looks like there IS a Guppe group going already! (I think this really illustrates why hashtags etc. need broadly communicated to prevent invisibility).
If you follow @medievodons, you will see all posts that have it tagged show in your feed. If you’re a medievalist, think of it as a more intense way of community access like using #MedievalTwitter on the other site. Also may fill the role of lists for junior scholars (listen in w/o drawing notice). #medievodons #medievalists
#medievalists #medievodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER
It looks like @SJLahey does have a list of #medievalists going here using the title “Medievodons”, which makes a use case for #Medievodons for #MedievalTwitter incomers. Note the presence of a few known bad actors/white supremacists w/in this spreadsheet before you follow all; it’s opt in so more may arrive. Postgrads (grad students in US lingo) are welcome, though! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10OdDb5R0u-IQ331Xpom6X6fsArdJvXFt1X5K2dLudhU/edit
#MEDIEVALTWITTER #medievodons #medievalists
It looks like @SJLahey does have a list of #medievalists going here using the title “Medievodons”, which makes a use case for #Medievodons for #MedievalTwitter incomers. Note the presence of a few known bad actors/white supremacists w/in this spreadsheet before you follow all; it’s opt in so more may arrive. Postgrads (grad students in US lingo) are welcome, though! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10OdDb5R0u-IQ331Xpom6X6fsArdJvXFt1X5K2dLudhU/edit
#MEDIEVALTWITTER #medievodons #medievalists
So far I have seen #MedievalMastodon, #Medievodons, and just #Medieval. Opinions on where/how #MedievalTwitter and medievalist circles should organize themselves on Mastodon? Please boost! #histodons @histodons
#histodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER #medieval #medievodons #medievalmastodon
So far I have seen #MedievalMastodon, #Medievodons, and just #Medieval. Opinions on where/how #MedievalTwitter and medievalist circles should organize themselves on Mastodon? Please boost! #histodons @histodons
#histodons #MEDIEVALTWITTER #medieval #medievodons #medievalmastodon
Hey #medievaltwitter transfers I need us to decide & communicate the Mastodon hashtag we’re using (communicate it here AND there). Hashtags are much more essential for visibility over here and while #histodon is established, medieval is still kind of up in the air. #MedievalMastodon has some traction but isn’t fully off the ground. And then, ideally, I need someone with BIG reach like to figure out this Guppe Groups thing and also promo that for medieval mastodon or w/e https://a.gup.pe/
#medievalmastodon #histodon #MEDIEVALTWITTER
Die Zeilen, mit denen meine allererste Mediävistik-Veranstaltung eröffnet wurde und die meine Liebe zu diesem Fach geweckt haben. Jetzt stehe ich auf "der anderen Seite" und gebe mein Bestes, meine Studis ebenfalls in den Bann dieses Werkes zu ziehen.💚 #medievaltwitter
RT @acmrs_asu@twitter.com
The @MellonFdn@twitter.com funded #RaceB4Race Book Institutes are accepting applications for the 2023 cohort! First Book Institute will be led by @ProfCWhit@twitter.com and @JonathanHsy@twitter.com, and the Second Book Institute will be led by Jean E Howard. Applications due by Nov 30! #ShakeRace #MedievalTwitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/acmrs_asu/status/1588547176225198081