🇪🇺 This week I was proud to be a finalist in the 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ @europarl_en MEP Awards alongside my colleague Éimear Deery.
👏 Huge congratulations to Éimear for being nominated in the MEP Assistant category. She's our winner every day.
#EuropeanParliament #MEPawards https://t.co/6pQV8AfGfQ
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1674789297457876993
#EuropeanParliament #MEPAwards
I am honored to be on the #MEPawards shortlist for "contributions to and accomplishments in the energy sector, and supporting the green transition" @EURACTIV
#energy #GreenTransition #climate
https://mepawards.eu/shortlist/ #MEPAwards
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/mortenhelveg/status/1660590426779267073
#MEPAwards #energy #GreenTransition #climate
Novinarjem @RevijaReporter se zahvaljujem,da ste končno objavili fotografije s podelitve #MEPAWARDS 2018, ko sem prejel nagrado za najboljšega poslanca s področja inovovacij v @Europarl_SL Na tem mestu je vaše povezovanje s poslanko, ki so jo nedavno ujeli pri korupciji, neetično
RT @RevijaReporter: Kaj sta počela evropski poslanec Franc Bogovič in zaradi korupcije aretirana Grkinja na okrogli mizi Huawei? https://reporter.si/clanek/slovenija/kaj-je-pocel-evropski-poslanec-franc-bogovic-skupaj-s-koruptivno-podpredsednico-ep-evo-kaili-na-okrogli-mizi-huawei-1013469
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Franc_Bogovic/status/1602590329059803139
Já está disponível a newsletter de julho em que dou conta do meu trabalho como deputada no @Europarl_PT
#WOB #Oceanos #MEPAwards #Inovação
#Energia #TransformaçãoIndustrial
#Transiçãodigital #Ciência #Investigação
Link para ler ou subscrever 👇
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1542771765855899649
#WOB #Oceanos #MEPAwards #inovação #energia #TransformaçãoIndustrial #Transiçãodigital #ciência #investigação
RT @vkatsardis: MEP AWARDS BOYCOTT: @POLITICOEurope / @politico reporting today on #MEPAwards boycott by certain MEPs such as @nvillumsen and @VTrillet_Lenoir because of #Novartis becoming its sponsor
I'm happy to see @Parlimag's use of controversial sponsors like #Novartis is gaining attention.
IF sponsors should be used for event like this at all, concerned MEPs should be warned in advance & scandal-ridden sponsors should not be allowed.
#eupol #eudk
RT @SyrizaI: 📍 @POLITICOEurope reporting on its playbook today on #MEPAwards boycott by certain MEPs such as @nvillumsen of @Left_EU and @VTrillet_Le…
#Novartis #EUPOL #eudk #MEPAwards
RT @SyrizaI: 📍 @POLITICOEurope reporting on its playbook today on #MEPAwards boycott by certain MEPs such as @nvillumsen of @Left_EU and @VTrillet_Lenoir of @RenewEurope because of #Novartis becoming its sponsor on the last minute…
The @Parlimag ceremony is taking place tonight⬇️
RT @pellechristy: The story of @Left_EU MEP @nvillumsen 🇩🇰 and @RenewEurope MEP @VTrillet_Lenoir 🇩🇰 withdrawing from #MEPAwards over #Novartis' role as a sponsor keeps spreading in the #Greek 🇬🇷media.
Will questions also be asked in 🇪🇺 #Brussels?
#MEPAwards #Novartis #Greek #Brussels #EUPOL #lobbyism #eudk
My withdrawal from #MEPawards, in protest over the use of a controversial sponsor, made it into papers in #Greece, like @AvgiOnline.
But they forget to mention that @VTrillet_Lenoir (@RenewEurope) also withdrew because of #Novartis.
#eupol #eudk #lobbyism
#MEPAwards #Greece #Novartis #EUPOL #eudk #lobbyism
RT @nvillumsen: My withdrawal from #MEPawards, in protest over the use of a controversial sponsor, made it into papers in #Greece, like @AvgiOnline.
But they forget to mention that @VTrillet_Lenoir (@RenewEurope) also withdrew because of #Novartis.
#eupol #eudk #lobbyism
#MEPAwards #Greece #Novartis #EUPOL #eudk #lobbyism
RT @pellechristy: Half the MEPs from one of the #MEPawards categories have withdrawn over the addition of #Novartis as a sponsor.
#eupol #lobbyism
#MEPAwards #Novartis #EUPOL #lobbyism
RT @stylian65: Danish MEP Nikolaj Villumsen withdraws own nomination in #MEPAwards in the category of Health and Wellbeing citing the inclusion of #Novartis as a sponsor at the event, which two years ago acknowledged paying bribes to Greek government officials.
Jeg er nomineret til prisen som ”bedste unge leder” til #MEPAwards😍
En pris, der går til en ung MEP’er, som viser lederskab og politisk sans. Det er jeg virkelig stolt af!
Hvis du synes, jeg fortjener den, kan du stemme på mig her👇🏼
RT @EIF4eu: We strive to be a platform for open and inclusive dialogue on #digital policy matters and we are delighted to see the contribution of our Political Members (MEPs) be recognised in this field.
Best of luck at the #MEPAwards 🏆, @AxelVossMdEP @EvaMaydell @mgracacarvalho!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1513872249408958477
Thank you @Parlimag for the nomination in the category "Best Young Leader". I am feeling very honoured 🤩
@RenewEurope @ALDEParty
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MonicaSemedoLux/status/1512055449402626052