Kæmpe tillykke til mine to favorit-kolleger i EP @SchaldemoseMEP og @Kira_MPH Det er så velfortjent for jer begge. Jeg er stolt på den danske delegations vegne - og ja også på SFs Kira. Hvor godt at vi har jer #MEPAwards2022 #eudk #dkpol
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MargreteAuken/status/1542525027999830016
Thanks, @EIF4eu!
RT @EIF4eu: We were delighted to see our Members receiving the recognition that they deserve at the #MEPAwards2022.
👏🏻 Congratulations to @mgracacarvalho MEP, @SchaldemoseMEP & @AxelVossMdEP for their success! 🏆
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1542927905176670210
RT @pellechristy: Danmarks bedste MEP, @nvillumsen, mener ikke at virksomheder der er involveret i skandaler om at bestikke offentligt ansatte til at overbetale💶 medicin💊 skal sponsorere en pris 🏆til politikere.
Det har han sagt ret højlydt i #Bruxelles🇪🇺.
#Bruxelles #eudk #EUPOL #dkpol #MEPAwards2022
RT @M_OrdonezSikora: Brussels came together on Wednesday evening to celebrate #MEPAwards2022 , an annual ceremony that honours the EU lawmakers who have carried the most outstanding legislative work. Our group @TheProgressives led the list of triumphs! @euronews @Parlimag
🇪🇺🏆Stort tack till @Parlimag för årets utmärkelse ”Den mest inflytelserika Europaparlamentarikern i kategorin inkludering, mångfald och social påverkan”.
#KnockRascismOutOfEU #beatdictatorsnotwomen #MEPAwards2022
RT @MAC_MEPs: 👏Heartfelt congratulations to @MAC_MEPs Co-Chair @loucas_fourlas for having won the prestigious #MEPAwards2022 for the category #Health & Wellbeing!
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/loucas_fourlas/status/1542502863179550720
Winner Winner 👏 #MEPAwards2022
Congratulations to all the nominated MEPs & winners at a great event @Parlimag
In the words of @AxelVossMdEP "MEPs are nothing without their assistants" so a special mention to all the staff behind the scenes.
View the winners at #MEPAwards2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1542552429471858688
Great to see @POLITICOEurope take up the story of the controversial #Novartis sponsorship of #MEPAwards2022 - and also to jury members @StollmeyerEU & @mvanhulten weighing in against the use of Novartis.
#eupol #eudk #lobbyism
#Novartis #MEPAwards2022 #EUPOL #eudk #lobbyism
RT @Parlimag: Our final People’s Choice #MEPAwards2022 of the evening is for Outstanding Achievement. This award is for contributions to and accomplishments in public service. It goes to @HeidiHautala of Finland’s @GreensEFA
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/HeidiHautala/status/1542454273061142528
Grateful for the last 13 years in the @europarl_en, but MEPs are nothing without their assistants.
Won the #MEPAwards2022 on #Digital Strategy and the Single Market last night thanks to my team @kochsgreta & @ZennerBXL 🏆🎊
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1542444760891269120
Very honoured to receive the award for best Member of the European Parliament in the category economy. A true recognition for my work as China rapporteur in the European Parliament 🇪🇺🇨🇳
#MEPAwards2022 @Parlimag
@RenewEurope @OpenVld
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildevautmans/status/1542208171732832256
RT @Parlimag: Congratulations to Belgium’s @hildevautmans from @RenewEurope, for winning the #MEPAwards2022 for services to and accomplishments in supporting Europe’s economic recovery and development
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/hildevautmans/status/1542204894253285377
Great honor to be awarded with #MEPAwards2022 for Agriculture, Rural Development & Fisheries. I like to think this award is for all of our farmers and to healthy, resilient and multifunctional forests, as well. #ParliamentMagazine
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/petrisarvamaa/status/1542221125983379457
#MEPAwards2022 #ParliamentMagazine
RT @Parlimag: Our next #MEPAwards2022 winner is Germany’s @AxelVossMdEP from @EPP @EPPGroup for his service towards digital strategy and the single market. Congratulations, Axel.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1542244975320223744
Thanks a lot! Feeling honored and motivated to continue on the #AIAct
RT @Parlimag: Our next #MEPAwards2022 winner is Germany’s @AxelVossMdEP from @EPP @EPPGroup for his service towards digital strategy and the single market. Congratulations, Axel.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AxelVossMdEP/status/1542201334451130370
RT @GSMAEurope: The #MEPAwards2022 is starting now!
Let’s celebrate the work of Members of the @europarl_en with a beautiful ceremony, hosted by @MariaWalshEU.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/MariaWalshEU/status/1542238008199577601
RT @annemazoyer: Great success at the #MEPAwards2022 ceremony. Among of tonight's winners a spécial tribute to #MonikaSikora as the best assistant with a strong and very sensitive speech about the 🇪🇺values. Human rights remain the subjects of honor tonight like the summary of #Eu 🇵🇱@Parlimag
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertBiedron/status/1542260025212764166
#MEPAwards2022 #MonikaSikora #EU
RT @Parlimag: Our only #MEPAwards2022 not going to an MEP, goes to an accredited parliamentary assistant who has gone above and beyond in their duties. Well done @M_OrdonezSikora from Poland’s @TheProgressives
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/RobertBiedron/status/1542259945684574210
RT @Parlimag: The Future EU & Innovation Award goes to @mgracacarvalho of the @EPP @EPPGroup for promoting a more sustainable society, improved quality of life & activities that support innovation for the future of the EU #MEPAwards2022
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/mgracacarvalho/status/1542205446899044353
So grateful to receive this award for my work contributing to the EU’s COVID response— especially on my birthday!
Thank you to all those who voted & congratulations to all great colleagues who have been nominated.
#MEPawards2022 @Parlimag