A little test of a "full" board of the modular terrain piece project plus a bonus image of it being used In a game with various pieces of my previously made scatter terrain and some old club rocky/tent pieces. #terrainbuilding #wargaming #MESBG
#terrainbuilding #wargaming #MESBG
¡Moñecos de chicolate!
Voi bien de pulsu, pero la vista, ¡#cagonla!
Los que sabéis de esto, ¿hai que da-yos otra capa de imprimación o vamos al llío dafechu!
I feel sorry for the person who made this box and had to make "Includes Barrel" a selling point. #mesbg #MiddleEarthStrategyBattleGame #warhammer #warhammerCommunity
#WarhammerCommunity #warhammer #middleearthstrategybattlegame #MESBG
End of year #MESBG game, a 4 way fight for the central alter at the centre of the field.
Llevo unes selmanes buscando un #xuegu de #miniatures. Depués de dai abondo vueltes alcordéme que teo dos caxes del Xuegu de Batalles na Tierra Media dende 2008 o asina. Una de delles coles miniatures nes matrices tovía.
Y ayer entamé una agarradiella perprestosa col mio nenu, magar que tenemos que aprender abondo de les regles y les estratexes.
Qué ganes de pintar, xugar y ameyorar un pocu la coleición #middleEarthStrategyBattleGame #mesbg
#MESBG #middleearthstrategybattlegame #miniatures #xuegu
Llevo unes selmanes buscando un #xuegu de #miniatures. Depués de dai abondo vueltes alcordéme que teo dos caxes del Xuegu de Batalles na Tierra Media dende 2008 o asina. Una de delles coles miniatures nes matrices tovía.
Y ayer entamé una agarradiella perprestosa col mio nenu, magar que tenemos que aprender abondo de les regles y les estratexes.
Qué ganes de pintar, xugar y ameyorar un pocu la coleición #middleEarthStrategyBattleGame #mesbg
#MESBG #middleearthstrategybattlegame #miniatures #xuegu
I painted up this Games Workshop Mirkwood Ranger to be my wife’s eladrin rogue D&D character. Coriel is a terrifyingly accurate sniper.
#DnD #miniatures #CitadelMiniatures #GamesWorkshop #minipainting #elf #elves #mesbg #lotrsbg #FemaleMiniatures
#DnD #miniatures #CitadelMiniatures #gamesworkshop #minipainting #elf #elves #MESBG #lotrsbg #femaleminiatures
Some shots from a 720ish pt game in a #MESBG good v evil campaign. A very close game until the very end where my isenguard broke from the control points before the game ended. It was great fun #wargaming
Eowyn and Merry from the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game. Mainly airbrush zenithal and Contrasts.
#lotr #mesbg #warhammer #warhammerCommunity #eowyn #middleEarth #airbrush #warmongers
#warmongers #airbrush #middleearth #eowyn #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer #MESBG #lotr
Going hardcore Rohirrim in #MiddleEarthStrategyBattleGame #MESBG #ARedDay
#aredday #MESBG #middleearthstrategybattlegame