Finally climbing back up to normal temperatures up here. On Friday it dropped to -15F and then stayed pretty constant there for about 14 hours.
By yesterday afternoon 6F was feeling balmy!
Today it'll heat up to above freezing and there are 40s in the forecast this week so back to warm winter and starting to melt this ~24" snowpack
July 13: Abnormal dryness along with moderate and severe drought contracted but remain in PA, NY, NH, VT, and ME. Abnormal dryness expanded in east-central WV; moderate drought persists on Cape Cod and Nantucket. #DroughtMonitor #MAwx #NYwx #PAwx #MEwx
#DroughtMonitor #mawx #NYwx #pawx #MEwx
RT @WeatherReMarks
Nor'easter still pounding away in New England as power outages continue to climb with over 284,000 without power. Currently 208,540 in Maine, 55,429 in New Hampshire, and 20,497 in Massachusetts. Going to be a long night with wind chills in the teens. #MEwx #NHwx #MAwx