Help! Does anyone know the source of the often quoted "50Gt/y material footprint is the sustainable maximum"?
Another user here asked about this a while back but I don't think anyone found it.
@gerrymcgovern found this:
Which relies on this:
M. Dittrich, S. Giljum, S. Lutter, C. Polzin, “Green economies around the world? Implications of resource use for development and the environment”
(Sustainable Europe Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, 2012).
on page 37 they say:
"with regard to the environment, it could be argued that nature has limited resources, and therefore, global resource extraction should be frozen at the level of one base year, for example 1992, the year of the first Rio Summit at around
50 billion tonnes."
Is 50Gt really just a guess? Does it/should it include biomass, and sand and gravel?
#MF #MaterialFootprint #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Degrowth #LessIsMore
#MF #materialfootprint #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #degrowth #LessIsMore
Reception and installation of my BONITO G1000 galvanic isolator on my RSPDx: Very significant improvement in my reception; noise suppression and improved SNR especially in the low bands, MF, LF and VLF. I let you judge the reception on 630M with and without the antenna galvanic isolator... #630meter #MF #sdruno #RSPdx
Rorik is feeling his mullet tonight.
You wanna come tug on it and smooch?
#orc #orcs #gayorc #MF #monsterfucker #MonsterFuckers
RT @MF_GOV_PL: Gł. ekonomista #MF @czeluk w @DGPrawna: Wydaje się, że #Budżet2023 jest realistyczny i ostrożny, bo jeśli od naszego deficytu gg odejmiemy zwiększenie wydatków na armię, zostanie deficyt na poz. ok. 2%. Nie jest to poziom, który wskazywałby na znaczną ekspansję fiskalną.
RadioFrequency is harmful to our health; causing free radical production inside our cells through the influx of calcium
The same is true for MagneticFrequency
See me measuring both, RF & MF, inside an airplane and explain what you can do to protect yourself during a flight. Enjoy the pictures I took over the New England area from the air.
#health #RF #MF #radiofrequency #Magneticfrequency
#airplane #Magneticfrequency #radioFrequency #MF #rf #health
So... I didn't expect or plan on going down the rabbit hole of "learn how to be a professional wrestler" youtube videos this evening... but some of this is just general well delivered professional and life advice
Topics available on the original #MetaFilter / #MF post I found the channel in: