2004年発売の『メタルギア ソリッド 3 スネークイーター』(PS2)がリメイク決定!
PS5『メタルギア ソリッド デルタ: スネークイーター』が発表【#PSShowcase】#メタルギア #MGS3
https://www.famitsu.com/news/202305/25303739.html https://twitter.com/famitsu/status/1661469720825167872?s=12&t=FUqdqLa8RhdIGtkgfh7Ucw
@diogosnows im probably late but id recommend playing the hd editions, for #mgs2 and #mgs3 and #mgspw. They only change the gameplay to make it better: in #mgs3 where the camera much better and in #mgspw aiming is 100x better, because the original one was on a psp. What they basically do is what emulators do with graphics. Have you noticed some emulators have options to make graphics better, without making it look completely different? That’s what the hd editions do, but built in
18 years ago. Holy crap.
RT @MetalGearSolidV@twitter.com
On this day (November 17, 2004): Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater was released in North America. Happy 18th anniversary to #MGS3!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MetalGearSolidV/status/1593271210279899217