Die ukrainische Armee ist robuste Opposition gegen Putin.
Girkin hingegen ist ein Kriegsverbrecher, der wegen des Abschusses von #MH17 von einem Gericht in den Niederlanden verurteilt wurde.
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вареничок.еріставі 🇺🇦🏳️🌈: russian opposition leader navalny standing up for a russian war criminal girkin who is upset that russia doesn’t genocide Ukrainians well enough is your daily reminder that Ukraine’s army is the only real opposition to putin.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1683918452799463428
Re @o_removska @maksymeristavi @tca1_ @nytimes Nobody followed the dutch trial against those war criminals who downed #MH17 ?
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1682746340999036928
RT Rolf Schuttenhelm
Plaat i/d groef: Wilders zegt nu dat Timmermans 'nog erger is dan Kaag'. Ik denk dat ze juist weinig op elkaar lijken en gemiddelde NLer ook heel ander beeld heeft. Die herinnert hoe #Timmermans met tranen opkwam voor slachtoffers #MH17 - terwijl Wilders een #Poetinspeldje droeg.
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PG Kroeger: Wilders ziet de Apocalyps naderen en verlangt nu al terug naar @SigridKaag. https://t.co/g1TMoihJZS
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RolfSchuttenh/status/1682023170713460737
#Timmermans #MH17 #Poetinspeldje
Todays 9th anniversary of #MH17's crash bitterly reminds us that #Russia's terrorist actions in 🇺🇦#Ukraine were systematically ignored before February 24, 2022.
In order to achieve justice for the 298 victims and their families 🇷🇺 needs to be held accountable. https://t.co/ORTn5y5HIg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1680978510100287488
«В день 9-й годовщины со дня крушения самолета рейса #MH17 ЕС выражает глубокие соболезнования тем, кто потерял своих близких.
ЕС ожидает, что Россия признает ответственность и ради жертв будет сотрудничать для привлечения виновных к ответственности».
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Josep Borrell Fontelles: As we commemorate the 9th anniversary of the downing of #MH17, the EU expresses deep sympathy for those who lost their loved ones. The EU expects Russia to accept its responsibility & to cooperate with efforts to establish accountability for the victims.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinRussia/status/1680961427626967040
RT Dutch ambassador to Russia
Today we remember the 298 victims of flight #MH17, shot down nine years ago. The #Netherlands is committed to find out the truth, achieve justice and bring those responsible to court. Not to everyone’s liking: two trucks parked in front of the embassy claim we are a land of lies. https://t.co/5LFKRnBVsP
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GillesBP/status/1680897828040724489
RT Saint Javelin
9 years ago, russia shot down a civilian aircraft, #MH17 flight on the way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. russian terrorists took selfies on the graves of dead children, while Kremlin deployed one of the strongest disinformation campaigns in history to create confusion about… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1680867632826728453 https://t.co/hU2jmSsLu5
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saintjavelin/status/1680867632826728453
RT EUvsDisinfo
#NeverForget Russia's deplorable downing of civilian aircraft #MH17, killing 298 innocent people. And Russian #disinformation peddlers have lied about it ever since:
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Josep Borrell Fontelles: As we commemorate the 9th anniversary of the downing of #MH17, the EU expresses deep sympathy for those who lost their loved ones. The EU expects Russia to accept its responsibility & to cooperate with efforts to establish accountability for the victims.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUvsDisinfo/status/1680897394995519490
#NeverForget #MH17 #disinformation #DontBeDeceived
🇺🇦 Заява @JosepBorrellF від імені ЄС з нагоди вшанування 9-их роковин трагічного збиття літака Малайзійських авіаліній рейсу #MH17.
ЄС повністю підтримує всі зусилля щодо встановлення правди та досягнення справедливості заради 298 жертв.
📍 https://europa.eu/!kmYWGj https://t.co/nTrqiu95kg
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUDelegationUA/status/1680840387600973824
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
O en versión más directa: si escoges que te asesore alguien miserable, quedas retratado como tal.
El nuevo fichaje de Pablo Iglesias es ejemplar:
RT @eduardosuarez: Excelente artículo de @marcmarginedas sobre la era de Inna Afinogenova en RT, donde ocultó los ataques de Asad con armas químicas, supervisó artículos que justificaban la violencia de género y publicó entrevistas falsas sobre el derribo del #MH17 https://w…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/iguardans/status/1651625186465128449
RT @alert_ukraine: ⚡️Putin awarded the honorary title to the anti-aircraft missile brigade that shot down the Malaysian Boeing #MH17 in 2014.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AzzopardiJason/status/1628007596295610369
@unionseller @LiavanBekhoven Wees dankbaar dat #Zelensky en 🇺🇦 willen vechten. Zij houden een brute dictator uit 🇷🇺 tegen, en verdedigen onze vrijheid tegen diezelfde schurk die #MH17 liet neerschieten
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/petervdalen/status/1623413640677453824
RT @RKiesewetter: Jetzt ist klar: #Putin spielte wohl aktive Rolle beim Abschuss #MH17. Russland führt seit Langem hybriden Krieg in/gegen Europa. #Russland ist ein Terrorstaat, der Angst und Schrecken verbreitet. Wir müssen das Morden stoppen. Deshalb muss 🇺🇦 siegen! https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/wladimir-putin-hatte-offenbar-aktive-rolle-bei-abschuss-von-flug-mh17-a-64226a38-81c3-4e92-98ec-40998600d162
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanAlbrecht/status/1623396804904513536
Last week was a busy one for pro-Kremlin disinformers, as they juggled between the EU's military assistance mission to #Ukraine (#EUMAM), #MH17 verdict, #energy prices, and much more.
More in today’s Disinfo Review ↓
RT @EUvsDisinfo: Last week was a busy one for pro-Kremlin disinformers, as they juggled between the EU's military assistance mission to Ukraine (#EUMAM), #MH17 verdict, energy prices, and much more. More in today’s Disinfo Review 👇 https://euvsdisinfo.eu/throwing-mud-at-everyone-and-hoping-some-of-it-sticks/
RT @ZelenskyyUa: Important court decision in The Hague. First sentences for the perpetrators of #MH17 downing. Holding to account masterminds is crucial too, as the feeling of impunity leads to new crimes. We must dispel this illusion. Punishment for all RF's atrocities then & now is inevitable.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/gahler_michael/status/1593495172666433536
«Приговор по делу о крушении рейса #MH17 — важный первый шаг на пути к установлению истины и привлечению виновных к ответственности. #ЕС вновь призывает Россию признать свою ответ-ность за эту трагедию и сотрудничать в полной мере в рамках расследования». https://europa.eu/!gbJ4h3
RT @GlasnostGone@twitter.com
We've seen untold atrocities committed by Russia's forces in #Ukraine - rape of children & women, torture, murder, wholesale destruction... the list goes on. But Russia was committing atrocities way back in 2014 - Downing of flight #MH17 & its forces celebrating at the crash site
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GlasnostGone/status/1593522486351634432
RT @lugeration@twitter.com
Wenn man ein ziviles Flugzeug [#MH17] abschiesst, das #BUK System in #Russland verschwinden lässt und 8 Jahre lang alles leugnet, warum macht man dann Fotos mit einer Trophäe? Warum feiert man einen Berg von zivilen Leichen?
#Russland ist so krank, das es in Quarantäne gehört! https://t.co/Q7bPBSuvIY
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/lugeration/status/1593570306345558019
RT @DmytroKuleba: Russia now promotes a conspiracy theory that it was allegedly a missile of Ukrainian air defense that fell on the Polish theory. Which is not true. No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages. This lesson should have been long learnt since the downing of #MH17.