V Praze se ráno srazily dvě tramvaje, několik lidí se zranilo #MHD https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/v-praze-se-rano-srazily-dve-tramvaje-nekolik-lidi-se-zranilo/2369467?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_feed&utm_campaign=twitter
Vedení Prahy neplánuje zdražovat jízdenky MHD ani předplatné jízdné #MHD https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/vedeni-prahy-neplanuje-zdrazovat-jizdenky-mhd-ani-predplatne-jizdne/2355590?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_feed&utm_campaign=twitter
V kauze související s případem Dozimetr obvinila policie pět lidí #MHD https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/v-kauze-souvisejici-s-pripadem-dozimetr-obvinila-policie-pet-lidi/2353091?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_feed&utm_campaign=twitter
V kauze Dozimetr byli údajně obviněni další lidé #MHD https://www.ceskenoviny.cz/zpravy/v-kauze-dozimetr-byli-udajne-obvineni-dalsi-lide/2351247?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_feed&utm_campaign=twitter
#Francie chce do roku 2025 zavést celostátní jízdenku na #MHD
"... no co, tak sme se vzali..."
#Astrodon #Introduction ! I'm a #Fluid & #Plasma #Physicist doing #theory #HPC, disguising as #astrophysicist. I work on #WhatAboutMagneticFields, #instabilities, #kinetic #hydro & #MHD #Turbulence from #Solar to #HighEnergy & #Cosmology. Also a trade unionist with 💪 views on neolib management #Bullshit in #Academia. I am an avid upright #Bass #Jazz #Musician & #nature explorer through #MountainBiking & #Photography -- I run a separate artsy @jaztrophysicist@mastodon.art account, feel free to follow there!
#Astrodon #introduction #Fluid #plasma #physicist #theory #hpc #Astrophysicist #WhatAboutMagneticFields #instabilities #kinetic #Hydro #MHD #turbulence #solar #HighEnergy #cosmology #bullshit #academia #bass #jazz #musician #nature #mountainbiking #photography
#Migration to #astrodon done!
I guess some #introduction won't hurt.
Hi #everyone ! I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the University of #Bologna. Most of my work time you'll find me doing #cosmological #MHD #simulations to study #magneticfields 🧲 in the #Universe or hybrid #simulations to model the radio emission in #galaxyclusters. #radioastronomers are my best friends nowadays 😃
I recently turned into a #catlover, enjoy doing #yoga and dancing some #salsa 💃. Happy to connect in #mastodon
#migration #Astrodon #introduction #everyone #Bologna #cosmological #MHD #simulations #magneticfields #universe #galaxyclusters #radioastronomers #catlover #yoga #salsa #mastodon