I didn’t buy every #MonsterHunter game for Switch and 3DS and nearly every DLC item for #MHRise just for you guys to turn around and make a PC/PS exclusive 20th anniversary game 😭
【重ね着コーデ】オリーブ エルフ耳を使ったコーデ✨️ #モンハン #モンハンライズ #モンハンサンブレイク #MHRise #MHサンブレイク #モンハン重ね着 #モンハンライズ重ね着 #重ね着コーデ #モンハン重ね着コーデ #モンハン写真部 #モンハンライズ写真部 #MonsterHunter #MHMuseum
#モンハン #モンハンライズ #モンハンサンブレイク #MHRise #MHサンブレイク #モンハン重ね着 #モンハンライズ重ね着 #重ね着コーデ #モンハン重ね着コーデ #モンハン写真部 #モンハンライズ写真部 #monsterhunter #mhmuseum
#モンハン #モンハンライズ #モンハンサンブレイク
#MHRise #MHサンブレイク
#モンハン重ね着 #モンハンライズ重ね着
#重ね着コーデ #モンハン重ね着コーデ
#モンハン写真部 #モンハンライズ写真部
#MonsterHunter #MHMuseum
#モンハン #モンハンライズ #モンハンサンブレイク #MHRise #MHサンブレイク #モンハン重ね着 #モンハンライズ重ね着 #重ね着コーデ #モンハン重ね着コーデ #モンハン写真部 #モンハンライズ写真部 #monsterhunter #mhmuseum
Woof, Primordial Malzeno hits like a truck. And it's super unpredictable, take care out there :O #MHRise #MonsterHunter #Gaming
#MHRise #monsterhunter #gaming
Oh neat, the new Inspiration skill is worth another 10 points of Atk, that's a whole other Might Seed/Demon Powder right there. That's great :D #MHRise #MonsterHunter #Gaming
#MHRise #monsterhunter #gaming
Primordial Malzeno looks neat, like a paladin dragon :D
I know my support build is getting an extra buff this update, I hope the P. Malzeno armor set gives me more stuff to play with :D
#monsterhunter #MHRise #gaming
Only a few days until THE VERY LAST #MHRise update T_T
I'm sure it'll be good, but I'm melancholy 'cos there's a decent chance I'm gonna have to wait to play the next #MonsterHunter. No PS5, only a potato PC. Ah well, it's at least a year out at this stage anyway.
I wouldn't mind finishing up my Anomaly Levels in #MHRise but I am sick to death of fighting Risen Chameleos. Played through five or six quick hunts just to get the morning going and literally half of them were Risen Chameleos >_> #Gaming #MonsterHunter
#MHRise #gaming #monsterhunter
I'm looking forward to that last title update for #MHRise. I've got the itch to play something co-op >_>
I don't mind grinding, but the last ten Anomaly levels have been nothing but Risen Shagaru Magala, Risen Chameleos, and Afflicted Seething Bezelgeuse. I'm actually starting to miss Afflicted Gold Rathian/Silver Rathalos >_> #MHRise #MonsterHunter #Gaming
#MHRise #monsterhunter #gaming
Finished upgrading my weapon! That's pretty much the last thing I needed to do to finish this build. About the only thing left to do is grind those last Anomaly levels up. If I want to >_> #MHRise #MonsterHunter #Gaming
#MHRise #monsterhunter #gaming
I often listen to a playlist of boss music while I play #MonsterHunter, and let me tell you fighting Risen Shagaru Magala while Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec plays is quite an experience. :3 #MHRise
Anyway, slight but significant boost to attack and defense, new Charm melding let me swap out an underperforming piece of armor for a better one without losing essential skills, and my eyeballs are now melting from staring at RNG-ing armor augments :P #MHRise #MonsterHunter #Gaming
#MHRise #monsterhunter #gaming
You can tell it's a successful update by the fact that I spent a good hour juggling my armor skills around :P #MHRise #MonsterHunter
Amatsu fight was very cool.
The new melding tiers also really take the pressure off of getting a good talisman to complete a build.
Slowly realizing I’m going to have to buy #MHRise Sunbreak for PS5 to see it in 4K.
So that #Amatsu fight on #MonsterHunterRise was absolutely amazing! Y'all... It's great!
#amatsu #MonsterHunterRise #MHRise #monsterhunter