Focus #MissionImpossible 6/8
Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
Typiquement, tout ce que l’on attend d’un thriller d’espionnage.
#MissionImpossibleRogueNation #RogueNation #ChristopherMcQuarrie #TomCruise #JeremyRenner #SimonPegg #RebeccaFerguson #SeanHarris #MI5 #Film #Cinema
#missionimpossible #missionimpossibleroguenation #roguenation #christophermcquarrie #tomcruise #jeremyrenner #simonpegg #rebeccaferguson #seanharris #MI5 #film #cinema
“#MI6 was involved in abductions that led to suspected extremists being tortured, and such was the disgust that [EMB], the then head of #MI5, complained about MI6’s conduct to Blair and relations between the two agencies went into the deep freeze.”
@BremainInSpain - and who does #MI5 report to - the #tory party at the time under #BorisJohnson even if the parliamentary committee heard this they couldn't report it to the public- so bravo to #liamByrne for using the system to name the bastard :11111: 😜 ☠️
#MI5 #tory #borisjohnson #liambyrne
Paul Robeson MI5 documents by Security Service (MI5), the national archives
Topics #PaulRobeson, #MI5, #anticommunism, #politicalpolice, #surveillance, #racism, #counterinsurgency
“The documents on this page are drawn from Mi5 archives and relate to Paul Robeson's activities.” (source)
#PaulRobeson #MI5 #anticommunism #politicalpolice #surveillance #racism #counterinsurgency