But over the last 100 years of (effective) #moneyprinting for the well-connected, the #MICIMAT have funded forever wars.
Would you trust the MICIMAT to print money for wars? That's really the zero sum of it. Govt need to be #limited so they #serve, and lead with #morals and #fairTrade, not #might.
In a #hardCurrency world, govts can't just print cash. Only the #warhawks will fund the wars. Thus they will lose support from #mercentilists (who are the vast majority).
#moneyPrinting #MICIMAT #limited #serve #morals #fairtrade #might #hardCurrency #warhawks #mercentilists
"#China something something"
Dear Military Industrial Cronyist Intelligence Media Academia Think-tank Complex (#MICIMAT)
Where were you when real #progressives and #conservatives were were decrying the nonexistent #workerProtections, #environmentalProtections, the use of #endangeredSpecies and #illicitSubstances in #pharmaceuticals, the loss of a productive capacity in the local regions, #workerAbuses, #diseases in #imported #seafood, the fundamental problems of #5G, #IOT and #BigData?
#china #MICIMAT #progressives #conservatives #workerProtections #environmentalProtections #endangeredspecies #illicitSubstances #pharmaceuticals #workerAbuses #diseases #imported #seafood #5g #iot #bigdata