> They [what we read as the who have aligned with to form a fascist class] have created a culture war, to stop us from starting a class war.

^^^ Well said, Mr Lee.

Everyone knows that is surpringly fair and balanced, and the hoax was cynically created by the campaign to explain away a potential loss. Its so 2016 and completely false. A we could say.


#digitalfeudalists #MICIMATT #politicalestablishment #rt #russiagate #hillaryclinton #biglie

Last updated 1 year ago

It looks like will be finally out of the way, the deep political establishment can really celebrate.

No more embarrassing friction for them to deal with.

Wonder how things might be different for the ex-President if he pardoned journalism before he left, , rather than protest the results of a rigged process (see of the family corruption).

#trump #julianassange #mediaBlackout #biden #MICIMATT

Last updated 1 year ago

@tomcrinstam @zleap

CloudFlare-hosted @tomcrinstam wrote something akin to:

> "when you attack me" you can go fuck off... get blocked."

Then the cloudFlare-hosted identity blocked us.

We did not attack. We are saying "some people" (weapons contractors, , people who invest in arms companies, is what we meant here) are too greed-driven to see, then that is there problem.

If someone wishes the help CloudFlare-guy return to dialog that'd be great but CF persons.......


Last updated 1 year ago

Work in Progress · @unfinishedsymphony
46 followers · 320 posts · Server hostux.social

Kit Klarenberg:
**Leaked documents reveal Reuters helped overthrow Egyptian democracy**

"Reuters served as a channel for the UK Foreign Office to covertly fund an Egyptian outlet that clamored for the overthrow of the country’s first democratically elected leader, leaked documents show."

The Media/Intelligence Complex in action.
(A subset of Ray McGovern's MICIMATT framing)


#propaganda #corporatemedia #MICIMATT

Last updated 1 year ago

We have just entered into a 12-step-program to get us off our addiction making refugees.

Signed by The West

Lol kidding. More military bases encircling the globe, war, , coups, and creation of "" to make desperate in the planning.


#colourRevolutions #PushFactors #refugees #MICIMATT #12stepprogram #theWest #refugeeProducer #kevinruddcouplite #keepwatchingcounterintelligence

Last updated 2 years ago

Kingstrum · @Kingstrum
18 followers · 500 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

December 28, 2023
Department of Defense
Performance Review
NORAD Commander

"Dear Major Muffintop,
You suck donkey dicks.
F- - -
General Loveydovey"

"Sweetest General Man-o-My-Dreams,
At least we didn't go 'full _WarGames_' and turn everything over to the WOPR. So no WWIII. Your welcome!
Affectionately yours,
Major Muffintop"

(Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think Tank complex)

(_WarGames_ 1983 <imdb.com/title/tt0086567/>)

#wwiii #dod #MICIMATT

Last updated 2 years ago

It's called "".

It's written by , signed-off on by and , and then performed by "" actors.

Literally they NEED to be "trained" to talk to us — its a euphamism for whether they are trained "".

Either don't watch it, or in spite of it, but never give it power.

#content #drones #deepstate #MICIMATT #mediaTrained #hypnotists #organise #contentDrivenDevelopment #droneCult #actors #fakebook #hollywood #legacymedia

Last updated 2 years ago

As an Australian living in the proxy state of and looking back over the past years, the years were basically packed with projection. The types engineered and to ensure that any investigation into what was going on in was swept under the rug.

This war is not 's War. It's and , microwaved back into action, and orchestrated over and other and assets.

Australia Get Out!

#usa #australia #trump #transnational #russiagate #Russiahate #ukraine #putin #HillarysWar #bidenswar #facebook #cageFam #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

As an Australian living in the US proxy state of Australia and looking back over the past years, that the years were basically packed with projection, the transNational types engineered and to ensure that any investigation into what was going on in Ukraine was swept under the rug.

This war is not 's War. It's and , microwaved back into action, and orchestrated over and other and assets.

Australia Get Out!

#trump #russiagate #Russiahate #putin #HillarysWar #bidenswar #facebook #cageFam #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

While that is a good abstracted "effect of fascism" the story is simple.

> Facism is the melding of govt with .

In the case of , the most fascism over the generations has stemmed from and finance, but we see big , BigPharma, and a MilitaryIndustrialComplex, as unwieldy and extremely dangerous bedfellows with govt.

Natural monopolies should only be govt managed.

#bigBusiness #theWest #banking #propertyDevelopers #cageFam #naturalMonopolies #MICIMATT #bigpharma

Last updated 3 years ago

It really is only and the - types pushing Russia-evil, -evil narratives.

Noone seems to believe them, either.

The really interesting question is would we know so much about the Ukrainian-nazi problem if didn't happen? Maybe those had a purpose after all.

Funny how all the Punch-a-Nazi, defund the police people have forgotten those narratives and are instead push a about (and ) line.

#neocons #MICIMATT #putin #jan6 #protestors #gottaDoSomething #russia #china #gottaDoDumbThing #atrocityStories

Last updated 3 years ago

It really is only and the - types pushing Russia-evil, Putin-evil narratives.

Noone seems to believe them, either.

The really interesting question is would we know so much about the Ukrainian-nazi story if didn't happen maybe those Jan6 protestors had a purpose, after all.

Funny how all the Punch-a-Nazi, defund the police people have forgotten those narratives and are instead push a about (and ) narratives.

#neocons #MICIMATT #jan6 #gottaSomething #russia #china #gottaDoDumbThing

Last updated 3 years ago

We are done… with even reading it. Tell us if you want us to read/ publish more.

If you have a icon on your profile, you are either a reckless , or have ties to the genocidal and/or — go feck yourself.

#BlueAndYellow #usefulIdiot #statedept #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

That is the "" doctrine accelerating the problem because it tolerates the current narrative of poor, white (genocidal, racist) should fight and "can win".

The legacy operators want the . They want and created this situation since Afghanistan ended for the eventuality of a complete disaster they can blame on .

Anyone not vocally on the Russia side is either or a bunkered .

#whateversGoingToHappenIsGoingToHappen #Ukrainegels #easySolution #ww3 #russia #usefulIdiot #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago

Celebrating 8 years and 1.5 weeks of being used by NATO to launder money through the complex.

And its only be a few months since .

Funny how that works out, right?


#ukraine #MICIMATT #afghanistan

Last updated 3 years ago

Seems a lot is contributing to the hike. The world has been pushing to reduce its reliance on and limiting supply.

As the above alludes to , govts have been inflating the money supply 'something shocking' over the past years.

So a confluence of problems are at play.

We don't believe that conflict will break out. Aggitators are being arrested last we heard, and Eastern is not a stranger to changes like this.

It's been a boon for the , though.

#fossilfuels #inflation #ukraine #MICIMATT

Last updated 3 years ago