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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Researchers identify unique biomarker patterns identifying #MIS-C and severe COVID in children @ChildrensHealth @CellRepMed
RT @Rueckrufportal
#RÜCKRUF | #WARNUNG | LEBENSMITTELWARNUNG: #SALMONELLEN sind auch in #MIS 'Tahin #Sesammus' nicht auszuschließen > Bei schweren / anhaltenden Symptomen ist UNBEDINGT ärztliche Hilfe aufzusuchen
Weitere aktuelle Meldungen:
#Sesammus #MIS #salmonellen #warnung #ruckruf
Even if #vaccines were only causing #MIS in small numbers, it should be highly concerning to every human and every immunologist
#VaccineInducedMIS #MIS #vaccines
Patch now: Serious Linux kernel security hole uncovered
The Zero Day Initiative originally rated this Linux 5.15 in-kernel SMB server, ksmbd, bug a perfectly awful 10.
#Linux #ZeroDay #Tech #Technology #MIS #CyberSecurity
#linux #zeroday #tech #technology #MIS #cybersecurity
Data governance topics likely to heat up in 2023
Enterprises will emphasize data governance policies more in 2023 because of the "global patchwork of data sovereignty and privacy laws," says Danny Sandwell of Quest. Sandwell and four other executives predict what else will change next year in data management.
#Data #Technology #CISO #MIS #InfoTech #Privacy
#data #technology #ciso #MIS #infotech #privacy
Data governance topics likely to heat up in 2023
Enterprises will emphasize data governance policies more in 2023 because of the "global patchwork of data sovereignty and privacy laws," says Danny Sandwell of Quest. Sandwell and four other executives predict what else will change next year in data management.
#Data #Technology #CISO #MIS #InfoTech #Privacy
#data #technology #ciso #MIS #infotech #privacy
Ricordo ai colleghi pediatri che la dd della #scarlattina non è sempre facile. In particolare nei bambini più piccoli. E che tradizionalmente la sindrome di Kawasaki è in diagnosi differenziale. Memo: una #MIS-C è indistinguibile clinicamente da una Kawasaki.
Ricordo ai colleghi pediatri che la dd della #scarlattina non è sempre facile. In particolare nei bambini più piccoli. E che tradizionalmente la sindrome di Kawasaki è in diagnosi differenziale. Memo: una #MIS-C è indistinguibile clinicamente da una Kawasaki.
More hashtag topics I'm happy to connect on and learn more about: #ADHD #LongCOVID #RSD #libraries #librarianship #librarians #libraryworkers #prolabor #prounion #unions #unionworkers #galleries #archives #museums #GLAM #highered #highereducation #education #academia #colleges #universities #HSI #HSIs #MSI #MSIs #MLS #MLIS #MILS #MALS #MALIS #MIS #Texas #Houston #Detroit #Michigan #PontiacMI
#pontiacmi #michigan #detroit #houston #texas #MIS #malis #mals #Mils #MLIS #mls #msis #msi #hsis #HSI #universities #colleges #academia #education #highereducation #highered #glam #museums #archives #galleries #unionworkers #unions #prounion #ProLabor #libraryWorkers #librarians #librarianship #libraries #RSD #LongCovid #adhd
...🐻🐨🐻❄️🐻❄️Z Pluszowych Misi Nigdy Się Nie Wyrasta...🐻🐨🐻❄️🐼Proszę Państwa Oto Miś🐻🐨🐻❄️🐼 #Miś #pluszowymiś #teddybears #teddybear
#teddybear #teddybears #pluszowymis #MIS
#introduction 💼 Job: Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the James Madison University, Virginia, US. 🔍 Research: how transnational #media and #health organizations #communicate health-related issues within this hyper technological environment and how people consume and engage with that health #information and #mis/disinformation. 📖 Currently: Working on public opinion about #vaccines and #climatechange in the US. #️⃣ #academic, #climatexhange, #GlobalSouth, #healthcomm, #sciencecomm
#sciencecomm #healthcomm #globalsouth #climatexhange #academic #ClimateChange #vaccines #MIS #Information #communicate #Health #Media #Introduction
#introduction 💼 Job: Assistant Professor of Public Relations at the James Madison University, Virginia, US. 🔍 Research: how transnational #media and #health organizations #communicate health-related issues within this hyper technological environment and how people consume and engage with that health #information and #mis/disinformation. 📖 Currently: Working on public opinion about #vaccines and #climatechange in the US. #️⃣ #academic, #climatexhange, #GlobalSouth, #healthcomm, #sciencecomm
#sciencecomm #healthcomm #globalsouth #climatexhange #academic #ClimateChange #vaccines #MIS #Information #communicate #Health #Media #Introduction
Been struggling to stay engaged (scrolling is easier). #Covid isn’t over. Last Tuesday my 6 year old was staying after school, doing extra rounds on the monkey bars. She got sick on Wednesday with vomiting/fever, was diagnosed with #RSV. She got worse on Saturday. Hospitalized with #MIS-C from a mild case of covid 3 weeks ago.
Fully #vaccinated #children suffer multisystem inflammatory syndrome
#VaccineInjury #MIS #children #vaccinated
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Originally posted by /
RT by @physorg_com: COVID-19, #MIS-C and #Kawasakidisease share same immune response @ucsandiego @NatureComms
Who's who in CIA: Ein biographisches Nachschlagewerk über 3000 Mitarbeiter der zivilen und militärischen Geheindienst der USA in 120 Staaten by Julius Mader; Mohamed Abdelnabi; Ambalal Bhatt; Fernando Gamarra; Shozo Ohashi
#CIA, #CentralIntelligenceAgency, #DIA, #Verteidigungsnachrichtendienst, #USIA, #InformationsagenturderVereinigtenStaaten, #AußenministeriumderVereinigtenStaaten, #StateDepartment, #FBI, #BundesamtderErmittlung, #NSA, #NationaleSicherheitsbehörde, #SecretService, #OSS, #AmtfürstrategischeDienste, #USForeignService, #UnitedStatesForeignService, #BehördederVereinigtenStaatenfürinternationaleEntwicklung, #USAID, #PeaceCorps, #Friedenscorps, #MilitaryIntelligenceService, #G2, #A2, #AirStaff2, #AdmiralStaff2, #AIS, #AirIntelligenceService, #CIC, #Spionageabwehrkorps, #GeneralStaff2, #MIS, #NationalerSicherheitsratderVereinigtenStaaten, #NSC, #AmtfürMarinenachrichtendienstlicheAngelegenheiten, #ONI, #nachrichtendienste, #spionageabwehr, #CIAagents, #CIAofficers, #spione, #spioninnen, #antikommunismus, #verdeckteoperationen, #imperialismus, #vereinigtestaatenvonamerika, #KalterKrieg, #neokolonialismus
#cia #centralintelligenceagency #Dia #Verteidigungsnachrichtendienst #USIA #InformationsagenturderVereinigtenStaaten #AußenministeriumderVereinigtenStaaten #statedepartment #fbi #BundesamtderErmittlung #nsa #NationaleSicherheitsbehörde #secretservice #oss #AmtfürstrategischeDienste #USForeignService #UnitedStatesForeignService #BehördederVereinigtenStaatenfürinternationaleEntwicklung #USAID #PeaceCorps #Friedenscorps #MilitaryIntelligenceService #G2 #a2 #AirStaff2 #AdmiralStaff2 #ais #AirIntelligenceService #cic #Spionageabwehrkorps #GeneralStaff2 #MIS #NationalerSicherheitsratderVereinigtenStaaten #NSC #AmtfürMarinenachrichtendienstlicheAngelegenheiten #oni #nachrichtendienste #spionageabwehr #CIAagents #CIAofficers #spione #spioninnen #antikommunismus #verdeckteoperationen #imperialismus #vereinigtestaatenvonamerika #KalterKrieg #neokolonialismus