do the #statistics or #ML folks have any suggestions about packages (ideally in python) to train #Bayesian Gaussian mixture models? I was using the sklearn package but suspect there is something better
Using the power of #ML we can help bridge the gap of miscommunication and the tedious task of note-taking. Marcus Edel lets #AI do the heavy lifting of transcription, summarization, and translation: #opensource #machinelearning
#ML #AI #OpenSource #machineLearning
Using the power of #ML we can help bridge the gap of miscommunication and the tedious task of note-taking. @marcusedel lets #AI do the heavy lifting of transcription, summarization, and translation: #opensource #machinelearning
#ML #AI #OpenSource #machineLearning
Excellent podcast from @CarbonCopy with guests from Climate Change AI and Google discussing #EnergyGrids #ML #AI #usecase #machinelearning #datascience #distributedenergy #solarwinds #PredictiveModels #chatgpt and what this could mean for shaping a clean energy future. 🌎 ⚡ 💻
#energygrids #ML #ai #usecase #machinelearning #datascience #distributedenergy #solarwinds #PredictiveModels #chatgpt
In this TikTok video, Jeremy Andrew Davis nicely demonstrates the inherent biases in so-called artificial intelligence:
#ableism #racism #sexism #ageism #AutismSpeaks #Midjourney #plagiarism #ML #AI
#ableism #racism #sexism #ageism #autismspeaks #MidJourney #plagiarism #ML #AI
Application of Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy of machine learning with Support Vector Machine and principal components analysis to detect biochemical changes in dried serum of patients with primary myelofibrosis.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects
(2023) 130438
#infrared #ml #myelofibrosis
Comprehensive Histopathology Imaging in Pancreatic Biopsies: High Definition Infrared Imaging with Machine Learning Approach.
Int J Biol Sci 2023; 19(10):3200-3208.
#pancreaticcancer #cancer #infrared #ml
#pancreaticcancer #cancer #infrared #ML
Unraveling surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy results through chemometrics and machine learning: principles, progress, and trends.
Anal Bioanal Chem 415, 3945–3966 (2023).
#ramaneffect #ml #review
Bedienungsanleitungen, Artikel oder und andere Texte, die als #PDF vorliegen, lassen sich jetzt #ML-gestützt „befragen“: mit ChatPDF.
PDF ist dank der internen Struktur gut für automatische Auswertungen geeignet. Ein kurzer Test mit Fragen zu einem eigenen Artikel verlief positiv.
Die Berliner Entwickler von #ChatPDF bieten den mehrsprachigen Dienst für geringe Seitenzahlen, Datenvolumen, Abfragen kostenlos an (ansonsten gibt es eine überschaubare monatliche Gebühr).
PDFs per ML taggen lassen – Adobe hat dafür eine durch maschinelles Lernen gestützte API angekündigt: „Adobe PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API“.
Getaggtes PDF ist notwendig, um den barrierefreien Zugang zu den Inhalten von PDF-Dateien zu ermöglichen. Dies nachträglich händisch durchzuführen, ist mühsam.
Anwender, die eine Adobe-ID haben, können die Funktion testen. Als Download erhält man ein PDF/UA und eine Log-Datei.
#PDF #Tagging #Accessibility #AdobeSensei #ML #KI
#pdf #tagging #accessibility #AdobeSensei #ML #ki
New release alert! 🚨
Looking to train custom object detection models in .NET? In the latest release of ML .NET and Model Builder now you can using your own hardware or Azure! Try it out and give us feedback.
#dotnet #mlnet #ml #deeplearning #ai
#dotnet #mlnet #ML #deeplearning #ai
Looking to learn more about using OpenAI in .NET? Check out this post. 👇
Aryn Choong Yue Lin #engineer from #NUS TTI will present the various #AI methods used to perform data analysis on the dengue infection and the weather at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #data #dataanalysis #ML
#engineer #nus #AI #FOSSASIA #Singapore #data #dataanalysis #ML
Aryn Choong Yue Lin #engineer from #NUS TTI will present the various #AI methods used to perform data analysis on the dengue infection and the weather at #FOSSASIA Summit 2023 #Singapore 13-15 April #data #dataanalysis #ML
#engineer #nus #AI #FOSSASIA #Singapore #data #dataanalysis #ML
Read my thoughts on why #DeepLearning beats conventional #machinelearning - at least for image analysis.
RT @Apeer_micro
Learn how feature learning boosts your image analysis
Have you ever wondered why deep learning #DL is often preferred over traditional machine learning #ML?
Read our blog to find out.
#research #AI
#deeplearning #machinelearning #DL #ML #research #ai
> "Unentdeckbare Hintertüren in Modelle des maschinellen Lernens einfügen" mal wenigstens die Überschrift von Herrn Schneiers Blog-Post ins Deutsche zu übersetzen.
Der Blog ist auf Englisch und wem das vielleicht zu schwierig zu Lesen ist, der mag sich noch einmal auf meine Übersetzung konzentrieren und dann einfach mal seiner Phantasie freien Lauf lassen!
RT @uxlinks
Cool #AR for Medical Learning 😎
#UX #UI #AI #MR #VR #ML #AugmentedReality #MixedReality #100DaysOfCode #startup #digital #productdesign #mobile #ios #android #futuretech #innovation #code #programming #coding #swift #inspiration #code #programming #Analytics
#ar #ux #ui #ai #mr #vr #ML #augmentedreality #mixedreality #100DaysOfCode #startup #digital #productdesign #mobile #iOS #android #futuretech #innovation #code #programming #Coding #Swift #inspiration #analytics
A major challenge in AI medicine is publicly available datasets #Opendata
We therefore publish our #ML data (as well as our code #Opensource), enabling a wide range of future research.
Included in the publication of #AMELD (see previous post), we released another #Dataset + an associated #Rstats package with a variety of integrated functions:
(R: remotes::install_github("ampel-leipzig/sbcdata")
#Openscience #Opensource #MELD #LTx #Livertransplantation #AMPEL #CDSS
#opendata #ML #opensource #ameld #dataset #rstats #openscience #meld #ltx #livertransplantation #Ampel #cdss