Global News BC: What does BC United’s poor byelection showing mean for the party? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #bcunitedbyelectionresults #Vancouver-MountPleasant #LangfordJuandeFuca #byelectionresults #BCbyelection #Byelections #BCpolitics #Byelection #Politics #BCUnited #BCNDP #MLA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcunitedbyelectionresults #Vancouver #langfordjuandefuca #byelectionresults #bcbyelection #byelections #BCpolitics #byelection #politics #BCUnited #bcndp #MLA
RT MFEA Slovenia
#FAC | Dogajanje v Rusiji kaže, kako nevarna je vojna za ves svet. Okrepiti moramo varnost ogrožene nuklearke Zaporožje & 🇺🇦 pomagati s povišanjem sredstev #EPF. Predstavila sem tudi uspeh konference #MLA, ki se je zaključila s podpisom Ljubljansko-haaške konvencije. - @tfajon.
Global News BC: NDP expects to win two upcoming B.C. byelections #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Vancouver-MountPleasant #LangfordJuandeFuca #BCbyelections #BCpolitics #Politics #bcmla #BCNDP #MLA #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Vancouver #langfordjuandefuca #bcbyelections #BCpolitics #politics #bcmla #bcndp #MLA #BC
Global News BC: Kelowna City Hall to fly flags at half-mast to pay tribute to community builder #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #formerKelownacitycouncillor #KelownInternationalAirport #Horningroadrenaming #MayorTomDyas #AlHorning #Canada #MLA #MP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #formerkelownacitycouncillor #kelowninternationalairport #horningroadrenaming #mayortomdyas #alhorning #Canada #MLA #MP
An important day for international justice.
An important step forward in the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes.
RT @BelgiumMFA: 🤝 A diplomatic conference gathering 70 States in #Ljubljana adopted an historic agreement for a new multilateral treaty (#MLA) enabling their cooperation in the fight against impunity for the most serious international crimes, thanks to Belgium's efforts.
RT @MZEZ_RS: Sprejeta je bila Ljubljansko-haaška konvencija! 👏
S tem bo dokončno zapolnjena pravna praznina na področju mednarodne pravne pomoči in izročitev zoper domnevne storilce najtežjih mednarodnih zločinov.
Hvala državam pobudnicam & podpornicam #MLA. 🙏
#DipConMLA #LjubljanaMLA
RT @VerboomJohan: EU Day Against Impunity!
Honoured to host EU Commissioner for Justice @dreynders, 🇸🇮Minister of Justice @DominikaSvarc, State Secretary @markostucin & delegates at #MLA conference at #NationalGallery's #Rembrandt exhibition.
Looking forward to a good result of MLA negotiations!
#MLA #nationalgallery #rembrandt
This isn't the #NI Civil Servants mess. This is Jeffrey Donaldson's and the #DUP mess to clear up. If he got his #MLA'S into government, we would have ministers taking these decisions.
Why is @sjamcbride blaming everyone but the #DUP. It is frustrating listening to people make excuses for a weak leader.
RT @MZEZ_RS: #FAC | Ministrica @tfajon je ponovno zagotovila neomajno podporo 🇸🇮 Ukrajini, vključno z zagotavljanjem odgovornosti #MLA: "#EU 🇪🇺 mora okrepiti gospodarsko in drugo podporo partnerjem v Afriki glede na njihove potrebe po odpravljanju posledic ruske agresije na Ukrajino."
Here is a leader of a party who brought Stormont down as a stunt in the hope, it would make him #FirstMinister, praising his replacement for his Lagan Valley #MLA seat, when he refused to take it because ot would have meant giving up his seat in HoC.
Who by the way, when she stood in her own right, was rejected by the electorate. That party is in bo pos to lecture anyone about stunts
@harriettmb place and they won't have any say in what they do.
So let them push for #DirectRule, they will no longer have #Stormont to use as their play thing. They will have a very unhappy group of former #MLA'S who no longer have a job because their #MP'S pulled the strings.
Most importantly, when the #BritishGoverment decides that they have had enough of this place, which they will. They won't be in any position to do one thing about it. So #bringiton shut Stormont because once it closes
#directrule #stormont #MLA #mp #britishgoverment #bringiton
Read the article - you want a laugh! Gavin Robinson is saying that the British Government needs to step in and look at the funding that Scotland/Wales & Northern Ireland before it gets worse. Suggestion for Gav - get off your high horse, get the #MLA'S back to work and do what they are paid to do - WORK FOR THE PEOPLE THAT VOTED FOR THEM! Oh let me think...
they could stop the rest of #MLA'S wages, introduce legislation to #reformStormont and we will see the #DUP back to work in a heartbeat. If they don't want to do that shut it permanently, turn it into a hotel or something useful, introduce #JointAuthority and prepare for a discussion on our constitutional future. Remove the #DUP'S leverage over #NI. If they want to protest, let them do it outside while the rest work.
#MLA #reformstormont #dup #jointauthority #ni
@harriettmb I have been wondering about that myself Harriett, since I heard that there is a split between the #DUP #MLA'S & # MP'S
The MP'S are protected from all this in WM but it is the MLA'S that have to face the public here. They know that the people here are getting fed up with Jeffrey's nonsense.
They need to stand up to the #MP'S and force their hand, if they want Stormont back, then they need to take a stand. If they don't, then the SoS needs to change the rules. #NIpolitics
Seeking proposals for an MLA panel on "Comparative Media Histories"! This is a guaranteed session through the CLCS 18th-Century Forum. Proposals due March 15.
Comparative Media Histories
We invite submissions on comparative media history and 18th-century studies. How can comparative or multilingual approaches expand definitions of “the book” and the materiality of texts? 200-word abstract and CV to and
#MLA #mla24 #bookhistory #mediastudies
RT @MZEZ_RS: #FAC | MFEA @tfajon: "#Slovenia 🇸🇮 supports #Ukraine in all means. We are committed to just lasting #peace in line with #UNCharter. We are hosting a conference #MLA on mutual legal assistance on extradition for atrocity crimes in May to support prosecution of such crimes in 🇺🇦."
#FAC #Slovenia #Ukraine #peace #UNCharter #MLA
RT @MZEZ_RS: #FAC 🇪🇺 | Ministrica @tfajon v izjavi pred začetkom zasedanja Sveta #EU za zunanje zadeve o vojni v Ukrajini 🇺🇦 in diplomatski konferenci #MLA, ki bo maja 2023 potekala v Ljubljani 🇸🇮.
@vladaRS @SLOtoEU @EUCouncil
Celotna izjava ministrice 🎞️👇
Global News BC: Former B.C. Liberal John Rustad joins Conservative Party #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ConservativePartyofBC #BCConservatives #Conservartives #OfficialParty #BCLiberals #JohnRustad #Politics #BCUnited #Rustad #MLA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #conservativepartyofbc #bcconservatives #conservartives #officialparty #BCLiberals #johnrustad #politics #BCUnited #rustad #MLA