Did you miss a session of interest at #mla23? Visit the online program to view recordings of virtual sessions. https://mla23.org
#mla23 participants, donโt forget to upload your convention materials to CORE, the open access repository for the humanities. Learn more about sharing documents using CORE: https://mla.hcommons.org/groups/2023-mla-convention/forum/topic/sharing-convention-materials-on-the-commons-2/
One thing I meant to do at the #mla23 delegate assembly and missed the opportunity--give @profchander a hug.
Today was a bad day to drive 250 miles down #the101 with the family in a rented car, from #MLA23 to Santa Barbara. We made it home all right, but lots of flooding, exit closures, and cautious maneuvers. A midway rest at the unique/bizarre #MadonnaInn in #SanLuisObispo proved vital.
#the101 #MLA23 #madonnainn #sanluisobispo
Please to tell me what were the best and worst things you heard, said, or did at #MLA23.
Was lucky to be in this brilliant company at #MLA23, as we tried to track the twinned processes of racialization & accumulation across the empire's many theaters of dispossession. Hope this conversation continues.
For those of you still riding the #MLA23 #MLA2023 high *and others* please consider submitting something to the Electronic Literature Organization's conference in Coimbra this summer!!!
CFP here>>>>https://eliterature.org/2022/11/cfp-elo-2023-coimbra-jan-20-july-12-15-2023/
I'm thrilled to see AHA taking the NYT's ire this year instead of the MLA: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/08/arts/american-historical-association-james-sweet.html
Still think "The University Doesn't Love You" but after #mla23 , I'm thinking more about "intellectual leadership" & @samplereality "4 Points about Infrastructure" where he extensively quotes Sara Ahmed
Mark's talk: bit.ly/3Cz63Vk
My thoughts: https://triproftri.wordpress.com/2023/01/05/the-university-does-not-love-you/
I'm a little late in getting this posted, but I delivered the linked paper at #MLA23 as part of a session entitled "How the Liberal Arts Works," organized by Julia Mickenberg. It draws on the work I've been doing toward (what I sincerely hope will be) the final revision of *Leading Generously*. To that end, feedback is most welcome!
THREAD on some thoughts we at @punctum_books@twitter.com had after attending #MLA23 #MLA2023
RT @punctum_books@twitter.com
๐งตThe annual meeting of the Modern Language Association @MLANews@twitter.com has ended & there are some thoughts we want to share on how the MLA HAVE to do better relative to ACCESS & the so-called "public humanities" that MLA believes is "engaged" and "global." It is neither. #MLA2023
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/punctum_books/status/1612268298670084096
Conferencing still feels very different than in the Before, but I had a really good time at #MLA23 nevertheless. Thanks to @Pkrebs @jasonrhody @janineutell and the rest of the MLA team for all their hard work!
Who is excited to play this game again because I guarantee it's not me and I do not want to sleep in another airport.
RT @paularcurtis@twitter.com
I *would* be flying to #MLA23 during a gigantic storm. Our delay count is currently +3, -2! Fingers crossed. ๐ฌ
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/paularcurtis/status/1610793774216806402
I was a total creep yesterday and attended a couple talks at #MLA23 where they discussed my artwork *probably the greatest honor of my life!* Thank you Abigail Moreshead, @anasalter and Anna Nacher for the more than generous readings of my work!
[the piece itself is here http://www.alexsaum.com/the-offline-website-project/]
One of the links I dropped into the #MLA23 #MLATwitterEthics discussion was the videos & reading lists on digital harassment and public-facing scholarship that came out of the AAS Digital Dialogues series I organized. Open-access here: http://prcurtis.com/events/AASDD2022/
It was a privilege to hear from some fantastic scholars & activities on #MLATwitterEthics & the weaponization of social media. "We need accomplices, not allies." So much to keep thinking about together & to bring to our colleagues & institutions when advocating for change. #MLA23
RT @punctum_books@twitter.com
We still have a bunch of FREE books in our #MLA23 #MLA2023 booth 403 and theyโre so wonderful that you should come pick them up now! One more book wonโt hurt!
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/punctum_books/status/1612180409437294592
RT @MLAnews@twitter.com
The #mla23 exhibit hall closes at 1 today. Come by Moscone West for great #mladeals and support our terrific exhibitors!
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/MLAnews/status/1612124950524985345