RT @MZZRS: Uvodničarka MZZ @tfajon na Münchenskem srečanju voditeljev #MLM o evropski varnostni arhitekturi: za zagotavljanje varnosti v #EU 🇪🇺 moramo ob obrambnih zmogljivostih upoštevati še izzive, kot so podnebne spremembe, zmanjševati razlike med družbami & krepiti medsebojno zaupanje.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1597608945132216321
More people nees to hear this. We need to stop #infighting. When we fight amongst ourselves, we take away the focus from who we should really be #focusing on: the #GOP and their ilk.
And #asexuality is like a spectrum of its own, rather than something like #bisexual vs #mlm for instance. I have no idea why people assume anyone on the #asexual spectrum is #straight, though that may be to blame on society in general.
#infighting #focusing #gop #asexuality #bisexual #MLM #asexual #straight #lgbtq #asexualityisaspectrum #straightisdefault
Bumble BFF has an #MLM problem - https://www.inputmag.com/culture/bumble-bff-mlm-multi-level-marketing-pyramid-scheme/amp