Don’t swim if you have diarrhea. Don’t drink water from the pool when swimming. #mmwr
in tomorrow's #MMWR for #IDMastodon & #Obgynodon - Progress towards elimination of #rubella in southern and southeast Asia.
#MMWR #IDMastodon #ObGynodon #rubella
There's a nice graph in the @nbcnews story. Here's a link to the original research in #MMWR.
I say:
"A pet raccoon in Texas, which recently fell ill after breaking an aromatherapy bottle made in India and walking through the puddle...."
You say: Burkholderia pseudomallei
#id #boards #CDC #MMWR #MedMastodon #IDMastodon
From #MMWR: EHR analysis estimated people who were Rx'ed #Paxlovid within 5 days of diagnosis (💉 :vaccinated_skintone4: or 🚫💉💪🏼) had 51% lower 🏥rate within 30 days than those who were not Rx'ed Paxlovid.
In this week's #MMWR, a report showed increasing hospitalizations for #COVID during the first six months of life. The rate of hospitalization went up during #omicron