@begrudging_recluse Master of Orion 2. For some reasons it provokes serious desire to also watch Babylon 5.
And here's 250 pixel planets and some other space assets on #ItchIO : https://helianthus-games.itch.io/pixel-art-planets
Honestly, this #masteroforion #moo2 remake is borderline making itself. Someone should do this!
#gamedev #MOO2 #masteroforion #itchio
✨ Someone should remake Master of Orion 2.
No innovations, no bells and whistles, no fancy nothing. Just make it work on modern devices, make the UI not lag, and add cross platform multiplayer so people can have a match across mobile/mac/windows.
That would be the best. The #game holds up remarkably well.
#gamedev #dosgaming #masteroforion #MOO2 #game