I don't know if I've ever made a video this quickly, but here it is -- talking about the #MoorevHarper decision (which went the right way, thankfully), although that doesn't mean the Supreme Court is to be trusted, as it were, on any issue. REJOICE, the unaccountable high priests of law decided that democracy shall live for now!
#supremecourt #MOOREvsHARPER #politics #MoorevHarper
#democracydocket #democracy #gunindustry #nra #abortionrights #supremecourt #law #MOOREvsHARPER #MarkEliasGroup #podcast #podcasts
Fantastic episode :NekoApprove:
#podcasts #podcast #markeliasgroup #MOOREvsHARPER #law #supremecourt #abortionrights #nra #gunindustry #democracy #democracydocket
I am not a laywer, so maybe I'm wrong in my undersetanding. I assume the #scotus is supposed to hear arguments and ensure, through questioning, understanding the argument issued to them. They then take that information, in addition to their understanding, and make a decision as to which side is right by the law and constitution.
This hearing, #MooreVsHarper, sounds more like arguing to be right by justices to support their inevitable opinion. I hate this timeline.
@GottaLaff I had to turn it off for a work meeting... boo!
Please hashtag your stuff #uspol #scotus #MooreVsHarper etc. to help make this easier to find later. 😄
@heidilifeldman @BrennanCenter
Unfortunately, #ethics and #precedent mean nothing to a majority that is nothing more, or less, than a Christian Theocracy Activist group. As bad as #BushVsGore was, and the independent state legislature theory is, this court will vote on an agenda, not on merits, law, ethics or democratic principles. Sadly.
#uspol #scotus #MooreVsHarper
#ethics #precedent #bushvsgore #uspol #scotus #MOOREvsHARPER
#MooreVsHarper Listening to this... what makes me frustrated is believing at the end of this, all that will happen is the activists on the #SCOTUS will just parrot the Moore lawyer to justify their breaking of democracy...
#uspol #scotus #MooreVsHarper Oh man, #Sotomayor is owning this guy... #BrownJackson jumping in too! Beautiful!
I mean, I fear it won't matter when you have a majority of Christian Theocratic activists...
Stream Audio
Streaming update statements from @democracydocket https://www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/live-updates-u-s-supreme-court-hears-moore-v-harper/
#uspol #scotus #MOOREvsHARPER #sotomayor #brownjackson
@rbreich 10am Oral arguments on C-Span https://www.c-span.org/video/?524454-1/moore-v-harper-oral-argument
#MooreVsHarper #SCOTUS #uspol
⚖️ #SCOTUS - October Term 2022
Issue: Inter alia, Whether a state’s judicial branch may nullify the regulations governing the “Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives ...
This case will be the Lynchpin of 2020 Elections and forward. This Court is very supportive of state's rights.
DGM⚖️Cf. PA.,
#scotus #MOOREvsHARPER #activate #lava #MAGA