Am I the only one who still calls DM's(Direct Message) PM's (Private Message)?
@Madmonkey scusami ma sta storia del "finanziare", è ancora più assurda! Sta limitazione, non la vedevo dai tempi di #MSNMessenger e se non ricordo male, era anche più alto il limite allora.
Se devo convertire, ridurre la qualità di una immagine, ogni volta, perché anche gli screenshot oramai, son di almeno 2 mb, beh non le posto!
@destevez if they allow for comments plz leave a review saying #msnmessenger is way better than teams or Skype lol :pplmsn:
it happened!!!! @mike implemented the #MSNMessenger emoticons on the server!!! I am so happy lol wooo :D thank you!
:uneasymsn: :unimpressedmsn: :tonguemsn: :sickmsn: :sadmsn: :pplmsn: :msnangry: :grinmsn: :coolmsn: :blushmsn:
dreaming of #MSNMessenger emoticons fortified into #Unicode 😭
#emoji #emojis #microsoft #code #interface #input #keyboard #msn
#MSNMessenger #unicode #emoji #emojis #microsoft #code #interface #input #keyboard #msn
I love that people all have their own #NetHistory sagas, depending on their ages. #mIRC or #MSNMessenger, #Friendster, #Bebo, #HabboHotel or now #Snapchat and #TikTok. When and how we first got online is a rite of passage now.
Sorry, I'm rambling, as ever!
#tiktok #snapchat #habbohotel #bebo #friendster #MSNMessenger #mirc #nethistory
since this is fosstodon, I should mention that there is an open source reverse engineered #MSNMessenger called #msnescargot , a group of developers got together and recreated it lol
the #msnsearch booth in the movie #TheIsland #msnmessenger
#msnsearch #TheIsland #MSNMessenger
Tanta gente jugando con emojis me está trayendo recuerdos del #MSNMessenger, oigan #nostalgia :blobcatcoffee:
I wish there was an emojis pack consisting of the #msnmessenger emoticons from the #p2p chat days
If #microsoft recreated an #encrypted version of MSN as an app for iOS :apple_inc: & Android :android: , that would be dream come true lol
#MSNMessenger #p2p #microsoft #encrypted