How is it 2023 and vendors are STILL disabling server firewalls instead of opening up the ports they need????? 🤬 #SysAdmin #InfoSec #InfoTech #MSP #ITSupport
#sysadmin #infosec #InfoTech #MSP #itsupport
Lenovo: "we cannot find the fault"
Me: Factory the machine, put an MP4 on it, ask the built in media player to play it, it will fail.
Them: Our diagnostics says all is well
Me: Sure, but your diags don't test hardware accelerated GPU
Them: But the display is working
Me: I never said the display didn't work. Please test hardware accelerated graphics
Them: Our diagnostics says everything is fine
This is *SO* simple to replicate.
Never overlook the simplest solutions...
Client: My printer is offline - I can't print
Me: OK. Let's try the following
Proceed to walk them through power cycle printer, check WiFi is Private mode, check for new printer driver, bad print job, restart Print Spooler, etc)
Do network IP scan - no printer...
Me: Um... your printer has a wireless button that should be lit blue. Is it?
Client: Awkward pause.... "No"
Me: OK press it
Client: It's printing!!!
#sysadmin #InfoTech #MSP #itsupport
I never thought I would spend this much of my life (and eventually money) researching ultrasonic cleaners. 😬 #MSP #InfoTech #RightToRepair
I want those 4 hours of my life back. User's HP printer stuck in a firmware update loop. Tries to download. Fails. Rinse repeat every day. Clearly an #HP side problem, but their forums swear just reinstall the drivers to fix it 🙄
Driver reinstall is hanging during the background software suite download. Hmmm - coincidence? I think NOT! Somehow the printer hard resets to defaults - no big deal, right? RIGHT???
Oh, but dear reader... They subscribe to HP Instant Ink!
Ahhh 750GB 2.5” hard disk from 2012 that’s
You did amazingly well, but your time has arrived. Your reallocated sectors the sign it’s time to retire you and a replacement has been found.
Alas your retirement will not be quiet or calm as you’re going to the crusher.
They insist we have to pay them the renewal and next year be sure to cancel 28 days in advance. Oh hell no. The card they had on file was expired so - whatever.
They actually turned us over to collections!!! Added a $150 in fees. Are you serious right now?? 😂 You can't just set an arbitrary cancellation deadline, then say PAY ME. Needless to say they won't see a dime. What a scummy business practice #TeamViewer Do better.
#teamviewer #InfoTech #rmm #MSP #sysadmin
Unreal how scummy #Teamviewer is. We used them as a backup quickremote support option if we had any trouble with our RMM or to deal with non managed clients. It did the job simple enough, was white labeled, and we'd used them for years. This year they jacked their prices WAY up, so we decided to finally cancel and move to something else. 2 weeks before our renewal, we try to cancel. "Sorry you must cancel 28 days before your renewal" LOL no. Cancel. They refuse..
#teamviewer #MSP #sysadmin #InfoTech #rmm
How in the world is an #ISP like #Spectrum deploying routers that a) only allow configuration from a mobile app and b) don't let you change the LAN IP. #SysAdminNightmares
Sure, let me reconfigure the entire business network because you swapped out their router yesterday and didn't ensure they had the same LAN numbering. Where do I send the bill? 🤬 #MSP #InfoTech #Internet
#isp #spectrum #sysadminnightmares #MSP #InfoTech #internet
Platforma Obywatelska na rzecz przedsiębiorców! Naprawmy Polskę! Wygrajmy razem!
#PolskaWnaszychSercach #SenatRP #senatorSzejnfeld #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #Rozwój #PrzyjaznePaństwo #Wielkopolska #Piła
#PolskaWNaszychSercach #SenatRP #senatorSzejnfeld #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #Rozwój #PrzyjaznePaństwo #Wielkopolska #Piła
Incredible documentation of Minneapolis uprisings & aftermath by a local photographer, in the wake of George Floyd's murder
#Minneapolis #MSP #blacklivesmatter
Vendors. If you're in a multi vendor environment and your product isn't working, don't just say "it's the other vendor's fault" or the #MSP network. Prove it. Provide data. Otherwise, I promise you, the #SysAdmin will advocate that you never be recommended elsewhere. Ever. 🤬
Vendors who participate, even when it turns out not to be their issue... Are the vendors you recommend. #InfoTech
Laptop OEMs. I'm begging you... Please pick ONE SET OF PARTS for a given model. Why do you make me completely disassemble to find the part number when the client NEEDS it back until the parts arrive??? Otherwise, make sure the online component list tied to serial is ALWAYS every single label in the system. Please. We're begging. #msp #infotech #laptoprepair #dell #hp #lenovo #Awhatever
#MSP #InfoTech #laptoprepair #dell #hp #lenovo #awhatever
@BeaconOne Excellent overview. Small business owners so not realize how vulnerable they are. My favorite horror story is the business whose finance person got phished and the hackers got into Quickbooks Online. Changed all the destination checking accounts for employee payroll to accounts they controlled. You watch their faces turn ghost white as they think about that.
Sadly - so many stories to choose from! #MSP #SmallBusiness #InfoSec #CyberSecurity
#MSP #smallbusiness #infosec #cybersecurity
Krwiopijcy, kułaki, badylarze, prywaciarze!
#Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #Nauka #Sukces #Kariera #Finanse #Rozwój #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #senatorSzejnfeld
#Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #nauka #sukces #Kariera #Finanse #Rozwój #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #senatorSzejnfeld
Krwiopijcy, kułaki, badylarze, prywaciarze!
#Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #Nauka #Sukces #Kariera #Finanse #Rozwój #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #senatorSzejnfeld
#Przedsiębiorczość #MSP #Gospodarka #GospodarkaGłupcze #nauka #sukces #Kariera #Finanse #Rozwój #AdamSzejnfeld #Szejnfeld #senatorSzejnfeld
RT Juan_RONCO_EU: Nice to see the work of a @EU_MARE @cinea_EU supported transnational #MSP project
Ah #PatchWeek how we've missed you...
Just once... can we have machines restart when they're configured to AND not blow up after? 🤬
#patchweek #microsoft #MSP #sysadmin #InfoTech