Announcing more seamless collaboration in Microsoft Teams for multi-tenant organizations
Supercharge brand content with the Typeface AI app for Microsoft Teams
Man kann in #MSTeams nicht mal das Profilbild eines Gruppenchats festlegen, wie schlecht... 🙈
draft - google, thank you for the 2023 google chat upgrades. Can we get:
- delay/schedule send / send later / send tomorrow at 1pm etc?
- send silently
- send without notification
- an option to "remove access" to an individual message along with an option to "renew access"
#GoogleChat #android #iphone #googledocs #Messaging #messenger #gdocs #communication #communicate #telegram #teams #chat #chatplatform #MSTeams #microsoftteams #discord #slack
If you use #MSTeams regularly, please note that you can default it to open files in the Desktop App (e.g. Word) instead of editing them inline from within MSteams. I find this a lot more convenient.
🔒 Take control of your captions in Microsoft Teams meetings!
Toggle profanity filtering, customize font, position, and more. Learn how to personalize your captions experience today →
#microsoft #microsoftteams #MSTeams
Default Notes tab in Microsoft Teams for Enterprise customers
Microsoft Teams Enterprise (non-EDU) users will now get a “Notes” tab, powered by OneNote, added by default to the tabs bar on creation of new standard channels. #Microsoft #MSTeams
When I first can't update #MSTeams to its latest version, I get frustrated. Then I figure out why that's happening, and the fix follows naturally. Here are those deets... #WindowsInsiders #WIMVP #Windows10 #Windows11
#MSTeams #WindowsInsiders #WIMVP #windows10 #Windows11
Spannend, dass #Microsoft Teams so erfolgreich ist. Wir selbst arbeiten mit ClickUp, und immer wenn wir bei einem Kunden gezwungendermaßen Teams mit nutzen müssen, fühlt sich das an wie ein Rückschritt in's letzte Jahrhundert. Projektmanagement im Browser-Office, die Hölle auf Erden 🤮 #microsoftteams #msteams
#microsoft #MicrosoftTeams #MSTeams
Get your submissions in before it’s too late!
Calling all #Collaboration experts! Whether you are an #MSTeams evangelist or an #Asana aficionado - we want you to join us as a speaker at #CollabConForAll in Orlando 9/15/23.
#CallForSpeakers ends in 5 days. Submit now at #CFP #CFS
#collaboration #MSTeams #asana #collabconforall #callforspeakers #cfp #cfs
#MSTeams biete bei mehreren Logins automatisch an, den eigenen Benutzer zu wechseln. Das sieht dann aus wie auf dem Bild.
Nur: Warum sind die Buttons unterschiedlich? Ich schliesse daraus, dass diese sogen. Dark Pattern schon so tief in den Programmieren drin sind, dass die das einfach ohne zu hinterfragen einfach so machen, auch wenn es gar keinen Sinn ergibt.
#MSTeams biete bei mehreren Logins automatisch an, den eigenen Benutzer zu wechseln. Das sieht dann aus wie auf dem Bild.
Nur: Warum sind die Buttons unterschiedlich? Ich schliesse daraus, dass diese sogen. Dark Pattern schon so tief in den Programmieren drin sind, dass die das einfach ohne zu hinterfragen einfach so machen, auch wenn es gar keinen Sinn ergibt.
🚀 New #MicrosoftTeams meeting notes - powered by #Loop 🚀 In this first look at the new Teams meeting notes you will learn how to add notes.
✅ New Teams meeting notes
✅ Prepare for the meeting
✅ Use notes in a meeting
#microsoftteams #loop #MSTeams
Just had an interesting support session with a #Mac user whose Teams client was subtly malforming dialled numbers that subsequently failed to connect. #macOS Contacts app inserts hidden characters when you copy and paste into #MSTeams dialpad, that then screw up normalisation regexes:
Re: "Are you ready for the new Teams?"
No, not really.
I haven't even been ready for the older #Teams. Too much data aggregation, too much control of data flows, too much unwanted behaviour, too many data security issues.
But that's just the opinion of a sceptical outsider...
#Microsoft #MSTeams
A question for those in #HE involved with #Microsoft product licensing, specifically #MSTeams: what's your interpretation of educational license terms for EQUs (Educationally Qualified Users); can they be used by wholly owned subsidiaries of the university that operate on a commercial basis, such as a hotel or conference centre? I don't feel they fit:
"An employee or contractor (except students) who accesses or uses an Education Platform Product for the benefit of the institution."
New requirement: Reject job offers from companies using Office 365 and particularly Teams. Put a question on your interview list to surface the information.
#Rejected #Office365 #MSTeams #BeSelective
After all, who wants the office for 365 days. Perhaps 228 or 230 days.
#rejected #office365 #MSTeams #beselective
What's up with #MSTeams today? Did #Microsoft layoff the wrong folks or something?
#MSTeams #microsoft #microsoftteams #outage
Anyone else hating how #MSTeams still shows you a red Batch allthough you have the chat open where someone wrote you or gave you a reaction? You literally have to go to activities and klick on that interaction to make it disappear. I constantly think I have to check Teams because of that. #Monday #Montag #Mondays
#MSTeams #monday #montag #mondays