I have started sending out cold mails to professors in #socialwork seeking a graduate research opportunity/position in their respective labs. if you are or know of a professor who is #hiring and wish to take masters student for Social Work, I'm opened for recommendations to reach out to them.
I'm not country specific. Kindly boost post if you see this. Hopefully, I can get lucky.
@socialwork @sociology @academicchatter @academicsunite @bookstodon @Resister
#disability #GraduateAdmissions #MSW
#MSW #graduateadmissions #disability #Hiring #socialwork
Gestern ging es zum Abschluss der Projektwoche auf die MS Wissenschaft im Braunschweiger Hafen.
Eine sehr schöne Ausstellung zum Wissenschaftsjahr 2023 und ein toller Workshop mit Schülerexperimenten in der Schwerelosigkeit des DLR School Labs Braunschweig haben meine Klasse begeistert. Für Montag sollten noch freie Plätze im Workshop vorhanden sein. 😉
Mehr Infos und der weitere Tourplan findet sich hier: https://ms-wissenschaft.de/de/
#FediLZ #PhysikEdu #dlr #MSW #unseruniversum #braunschweig
Die MS Jenny aka MS Wissenschaft ist wieder auf Tour!
Ich freue mich, dass sie auch an meinem Heimathafen in #Braunschweig anlegt - und zwar vom 23. - 26.06.2023
#braunschweig #MSW #PhysikEdu #unseruniversum
Today is "figure out what #socialwork field ed placement I want" day
#socialwork #MSW #psu #internship
When hell is empty and all the devils are here, it's time to turn up the volume. ❤️🔥
#Hell #MSW #LowerYourHead #metal #DoomMetal #SludgeMetal
#sludgemetal #doommetal #metal #loweryourhead #MSW #hell
So I was rejected from a #MSW program without any explanation or signs prior that anything was awry (I know they don't usually provide a reason). I got into a top-15 in-person MSW in 2020 and attended for a year, transferred to a school on the opposite coast for a quarter, then my personal life collapsed and I had to move out of the state. So I got rejected by a good but not world-beating online MSW now.
A meditation on this makes me assume that my fragmented MSW experience is a major knock on me- I have a 3.9 GPA on #socialwork courses at the grad school, good academic references, etc.
The letters of good standing and information that I have never faced discipline or any mark that indicates my transfers have been for anything beyond personal reasons feel like they may not dispel suspicion. I hope a trauma-informed social work program wouldn't expect me to disclose why the moves happened.
If you vet grad school applications, how would you approach an applicant with two schools that have completed coursework, but there's no evidence that their moves are for anything other than non-academic reasons?
#admissions #academicmastodon #academic #gradschool #transfer
#MSW #socialwork #admissions #academicmastodon #academic #gradschool #transfer
RT @pisorgpl: Minister @MSWiA_GOV_PL @Kaminski_M_ w #Warszawa: Podpiszemy z Ministrem @CzarnekP list intencyjny w sprawie dot. Straży Granicznej. Chcemy, aby powstała Wyższa Szkoła dedykowana funkcjonariuszom Straży Granicznej - to będzie trzecia Wyższa Szkoła podległa ministrowi #MSW.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jbrudzinski/status/1638864052670681088
RT @pisorgpl: Minister @MSWiA_GOV_PL @Kaminski_M_ w #Warszawa: Sejm podjął decyzję o modernizacji służb podległych #MSW. Będziemy mieli 10 mld zł na modernizację służb, w tym na zakup sprzętu. Ostatnio informowaliśmy o rekordowym zakupie 675 bojowych wozów strażackich dla OSP w całej Polsce.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jbrudzinski/status/1633449691131027457
So my first choice of a #MSW program to transfer to fell through, they weren't up front about some serious problems in their conduct that is sharply at odds with the core of the #NASW code of ethics.
I'm settled in a good place with only one in-person option, so I'm looking at exploring online MSWs.
Has anyone done an online MSW or taught classes for one? I have a semester of classes done and need to be full-time.
#MSW #nasw #socialwork #university #gradschool
Have been totally exhausted with my placement. Like it’s been kicking my ass so hard, this morning I was really seriously considering quitting.
But I just had a really good supervisor meeting, and I think I can tough it out. I am nearly half way there. Just 260 hours to go.
I wish I didn’t have to do 1000 hours of unpaid labour to get accredited as a social worker (it’s 2 x 500 hour placements). It’s so hard. Especially so when you’re someone that is a part-timer due to disability.
I love my job, but I worked hard to earn my #bsw Bachelor of Social Work and regrettably had a difficult time finding work as I finished it at a time early in my transition and many doors were shut in my face after I came out. I'd like to be in a position to help younger #trans folks out and have been considering an #msw and get into counseling. Thing is I'm working poor and just make enough to keep the lights on.
I'm sitting here age 40 with #ADD and executive dysfunction, lacking field experience wondering if I have what it takes to persue an masters degree?
Don't get me wrong I enjoy what I do, just wondering if I still have time to use my education to it's full potential. Is this the #midlifecrisis I was warned about?
#bsw #trans #MSW #ADD #midlifecrisis
#introduction Happily lolling about in the tropics, before in Asia, EU, Americas. Former therapist (#PhD Psych, #MSW ). Pragmatic and passionate about global democracy, accountability, and honor. Mourning the advance of climate and ecological collapse. Buoyed by lovely days, the natural world, and connection. #nature #science #epidemiology #sociology #socialjustice #BLM #psychology #jung #anthropology #art #literature #politics #ukraine #climatecollapse #cycling #humor #animals #dogs #cats
#cats #dogs #animals #humor #cycling #climatecollapse #ukraine #politics #literature #art #anthropology #Jung #psychology #blm #socialjustice #sociology #epidemiology #science #nature #MSW #phd #introduction
Searching for signs of #therapist life in the fediverse!
Would love to get guidance suggestions of where to connect with #therapists Any specific instances? I'm also thinking that they may be slow to migrate over from the bird site. Thoughts?
Join The Therapist List https://tinyurl.com/The-Therapist-List
Join a #mentalhealth instance/server
#LMFT #LCSW, #MSW #Counselor, #Psychologist #Therapy #Therapist #Psychology #Socialwork #Counsellor #LPCC #LPC #twittermigration
#Therapist #therapists #mentalhealth #lmft #lcsw #MSW #Counselor #psychologist #therapy #psychology #socialwork #counsellor #LPCC #lpc #twittermigration
Hi all! I just created a google list for Therapists, called "The Therapist list" It's open for Licensed, Licensed eligible and counselors. Please feel free to sign up at the link below. Also would love all of your help to spread the word. All "toots" appreciated!
#LMFT #LCSW, #MSW, #Counselor, #Psychologist #Therapy #Therapist #Psychology #Socialwork #Counsellor #LPCC #LPC #anxiety #depression #trauma #Grief #LGBTQ #TheTherapistList
#lmft #lcsw #MSW #Counselor #psychologist #therapy #Therapist #psychology #socialwork #counsellor #LPCC #lpc #anxiety #depression #trauma #grief #lgbtq #TheTherapistList
Time for #introductions ! I live in #Philadelphia . I work in #socialwork, specifically in #addictions & #recovery. I'm in my last year of a #gradschool program to be a #mentalhealth #therapist and #counselor
I'm also a #christian (the #reformed #protestant flavor) and have a #divinity degree. If you follow me, you'll see content about the following tags: #theology #church #religion #ministry #politics #philosophy #books #literature #art #media #technology #christianity #msw
Let's be friends!
#MSW #christianity #Technology #Media #Art #literature #Books #philosophy #Politics #ministry #Religion #church #theology #divinity #protestant #reformed #christian #counselor #therapist #mentalhealth #gradschool #recovery #addictions #socialwork #Philadelphia #Introductions
RT @pisorgpl: Wiceminister @MSWiA_GOV_PL @WasikMaciej w #KPRM: Chcieliśmy uprościć procedury biurokratyczne, dlatego w #MSW powstanie system informatyczny, który będzie inwentaryzował zasób ludności od poziomu gminy do poziomu ministra. Ten system pozwoli działać odpowiednio do danego regionu.
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/jbrudzinski/status/1536680688325476354
RT @pisorgpl: Prezes #PiS J. #Kaczyński podczas #KonwencjaPiS: Prawie dwukrotnie wzrosły wydatki na strefę bezpieczeństwa podległą #MSW, a także na wymiar sprawiedliwości. Mało kto wie o tym i mało kto mówi o tym, że zabiegi modernizacyjne przyniosły przyspieszenie biegu spraw. #PolskaWSercu
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AnnaZalewskaMEP/status/1533211789726474246
#PiS #Kaczyński #KonwencjaPiS #MSW #PolskawSercu