Wer sich sorgt wegen wegfallender Möglichkeiten liebgewonnener #adblocker (wie #uBlock) oder die Diskussion über #mv3 bzw. die #Webrequest-API etwas einordnen möchte, lege ich diesen Artikel zu #Mozilla / #Firefox nahe:
und vor allem dieses Statement von Vivaldi :
Beide Artikel sind älter aber lesenswert.
#AdBlocker #ublock #MV3 #webrequest #mozilla #firefox
Firefox 109, premier navigateur à supporter le Manifest V3, mais à la sauce Mozilla
#Mozilla #Firefox #ManifestV3 #MV3 #Google #Chrome #uBlock #AdBlock #Web
#mozilla #firefox #manifestv3 #MV3 #google #chrome #ublock #adblock #web
RT @ContraChrome@twitter.com
Enjoying that perfect meme storm over at #Reddit.
#Chrome #Firefox #privacy #ManifestV3 #mv3
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ContraChrome/status/1575483262998298624
#reddit #Chrome #firefox #privacy #manifestv3 #MV3
Extensions Chrome : l'EFF s'insurge contre Manifest V3 de Google et estime qu'il est « trompeur et menaçant », Firefox va l'adopter mais avec une approche différente de celle de Chrome
#EFF #Google #Chrome #ManifestV3 #Mv3 #Web #Mozilla #Firefox
#eff #google #chrome #manifestv3 #MV3 #web #mozilla #firefox
@CKsTechnologyNews I appreciate the provocation here; IMO it's much needed.
I would add
- People don't resist Google products, making it powerful enough for #MV3 to have influence.
Today it is accepted with a shrug that online #privacy is constantly under attack. It was not always this way, and it need not be so in the future, absent Google, who is powerful and pervasive.
As #YBTI put it, we can have "carefree digital living"---but we have to act like we want it.
#MV3 is part of the broader plan by Google for increased "capabilities" to "close the gap between what's possible on the web and what's possible on native."
#Mozilla is disappointing here, again. I'm transitioning away from FF. On the plus side, I'm having fun trying new browsers again! #visurf #qutebrowser
#MV3 #mozilla #visurf #qutebrowser #privacy
@eff Notably, #ManifestV3 / #MV3 is a threat not just to #Chrome users, but also to #Firefox users and anyone using any browser based on either.
#firefox #chrome #MV3 #manifestv3
#ManifestV3 (or #MV3) is #Google's lastest full frontal assault on #privacy and especially adblocking on the internet. Not fussed because you don't use #Chrome?
"Firefox maintains the largest extension market that’s not based on Chrome, and the company has said it will adopt Mv3 in the interest of cross-browser compatibility."
Source: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2021/12/chrome-users-beware-manifest-v3-deceitful-and-threatening
#mozilla #chrome #privacy #google #MV3 #manifestv3