Сер Пітер Лорд · @peter_lord
1153 followers · 1684 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Make Votes Matter are running a crowd funder to try and get Proportional Representation into every Party's Manifesto for 2025 (or sooner? )👇



Last updated 2 years ago

· @metztli
0 followers · 2019 posts · Server tenochtitlan.city

Matthew John Heath, an American & former Marine accused of sabotage, … joined – an intel services firm who contract almost exclusively for the US govt.
the deafening silence of US. officials & MSM in response to going on trial suggests that they want to keep a lid on the situation…
likely due to the implication that this self-styled pilot of the Millennium Falcon was engaged in an ongoing campaign being waged against by ."

#terrorism #MVM #Heath #disruption #Venezuela #CIA

Last updated 4 years ago