Vraiment le sbmm sur #callofduty #MW2 c'est ultra chiant. La flemme de devoir invoquer un démon intérieur à chaques fois que je veux jouer, surtout à deux heures et demie du mat ;-;
Which game would you rather watch streaming?
#youtube #youtubegaming #youtubelive #warzone #mw2 #deeprockgalactic #pentiment #worldofwarcraft
(if you have other suggestions feel fry to reply with them! 🔥)
#youtube #youtubegaming #youtubelive #Warzone #MW2 #DeepRockGalactic #pentiment #worldofwarcraft
Anybody playing MW2? Leaving Lobby Chat on and braving the idiots or keeping them muted? I've had a few games with respectful opponents and "nice shot" death comms that almost makes it seem worthwhile.
Part of me wants to push back against the bad actors in my favorite hobbies, but part is just too tired. #gaming #CoD #MW2
Since it seems everyone does this...#introduction for me. I live in Utah, work for Slack and am a former decade-long Adobe employee. Graduate of Utah State University in business and journalism and am a former journalist (print and radio), and hold an MBA from the U of Utah.
Love #cats, #baseball, #learning, #StarTrek, and #food. Currently #gaming with #Fortnite #OverWatch2 and #MW2.
#introduction #cats #baseball #learning #StarTrek #food #Gaming #Fortnite #OverWatch2 #MW2
https://youtu.be/V28XUo9ca3o Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 #ModernWarfare2 #MW2 remix
Also der Battlefield-Modus bei #MW2 hat Spaß gemacht. Aber nicht so viel Spaß, das ich mir das für den Preis kaufe 😳
Da muss der Mann weiter ohne mich spielen
Während der Mann die Spinne vernichten geht, übernehme ich sein #MW2 und zerstöre seine Statistik 🤭
Ich habe echt gar keine Reflexe mehre in Sachen Ego-Shooter, aber #MW2 macht sau viel Spaß.