RT @Mintzberg141@twitter.com
How many new models have I seen in the last 30 or 40 years? – just one: organizations outward bound. I devoted one chapter in the new book to this model.
#video: https://youtu.be/tmtXF2C60tg
#MwM #strategy
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Mintzberg141/status/1615812578453688328
@sheepnik Meet the #Boscastle "oss"! #Cornwall #Folklore #MWM
#Boscastle #Cornwall #folklore #MWM
Midweek Magic time again on #MTGArena. Phantom Sealed with Brother’s War. It’s both good and bad when MWM is Sealed. Good because you can try a couple of different builds and, unlike actual Sealed, there’s no pressure when you lose. Bad because, if you open a bad pool, it can be a slog getting 3 wins. Quickly stuck together this U/W Soldiers pile and got the 3 wins in 5 games but suspect there may be a better build in there somewhere. #MagicTheGathering, #MTG, #MidWeekMagic, #MWM, #Arena
#arena #MWM #midweekmagic #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgarena
Obby Oss appears in Wellington Hotel #Boscastle #Cornwall . Dancing to the #music of #Moroven for #MWM #PatronsDay https://morvorenmusic.com #Folklore #tradition #museum #witchcraft #magic
#Boscastle #Cornwall #music #Moroven #MWM #PatronsDay #folklore #tradition #museum #witchcraft #magic