📬 Apple veröffentlicht weiteren Patch für kritische Sicherheitslücke
#ITSicherheit #Smartphones #CVE202337450 #iOS #iPadOS #macOS #macOSBigSur #macOSMonterey #OperationTriangulation #ZeroDaySicherheitslücke https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/entertainment/smartphones/apple-veroeffentlicht-weiteren-patch-fuer-kritische-sicherheitsluecke-278337.html
#itsicherheit #smartphones #cve202337450 #ios #ipados #macos #macOSBigSur #MacOSMonterey #operationtriangulation #zerodaysicherheitslucke
Ein MacBook Air 2010 mit 1,86 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB DDR3 RAM und 128 GB SSD hat sich zu mir verirrt. Endlich eine Gelegenheit, #OpenCoreLegacyPatcher und #macOsMonterey auszuprobieren (MacOsVenturra wird noch nicht unterstützt).
#macbookair2010 #apple #lauteshirn #MacOSMonterey #OpenCoreLegacyPatcher
macOS Monterey 12.6.3 (21G419) has been released. #macOS #macOS1263 #macOSMonterey
#macos #macos1263 #MacOSMonterey
macOS Monterey 12.6.2 (21G320) has been released. #macOS #macOS1262 #macOSMonterey
#macos #macos1262 #MacOSMonterey
Regrets, I've had a few,
but then again, not as many as I have had about upgrading to #Monterey!!
...& was forced to again due to too many issues to list,
15 hours & 5 attempts later
then more apps go missing!
no Garage Band, no iMovie
#MacOSMonterey just don't, it's not worth it, stick with High Sierra
#monterey #MacOSMonterey #apple #mac
Oh…wait…logging in, just very slooooowwwww 🐌 🤨
Hmmm. No problems found. <scratches head> #MacOSMonterey #beachballofdeath
#MacOSMonterey #beachballofdeath
Danke #OpenCoreLegacyPatcher :blobaww:
Noch ungefähr 20 Minuten, dann läuft das #MacBook Pro Early 2011 mit #MacOSMonterey
#OpenCoreLegacyPatcher #macbook #MacOSMonterey
📬 Iridium Browser: Google Chrome ohne die Datenkrake Google #Datenschutz #Browser #Chromium #IridiumBrowser #macOSMonterey #netITworkGmbH #UngoogledChromium https://tarnkappe.info/iridium-browser-google-chrome-ohne-die-datenkrake-google/
#ungoogledchromium #netITworkGmbH #MacOSMonterey #iridiumbrowser #chromium #browser #datenschutz
書きました! / Apple、MacBook Pro 14インチモデルと思われる販売ページを発見 - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #M1X #MacBookPro #macOSMonterey
#MacOSMonterey #macbookpro #M1X #apple
書きました! / Apple、2021年10月18日に新製品発表会を開催。New M1 Mac シリーズを発表か? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#AppleEvent #M1X #M1Mac #MacBook #MacBookPro #macOSMonterey #Apple
#apple #MacOSMonterey #macbookpro #macbook #M1Mac #M1X #appleevent
書きました! / Apple、macOS Monterey , iPadOS 15 を発表。macOS と iPadOS の行き来が柔軟に対応 - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #WWDC2021 #iPadOS15 #macOSMonterey #iPadPro #MacBookPro #MacPro #iMacPro
#imacpro #macpro #macbookpro #ipadpro #MacOSMonterey #iPadOS15 #WWDC2021 #apple