> .. ChatGPT is, in technical terms, a 'bullshit generator'. If a generated sentence makes sense to you, the reader, it means the mathematical model has made sufficiently good guess to pass your sense-making filter. The language model has no idea what it's talking about because it has no idea about anything at all. It's more of a bullshitter than the most egregious egoist you'll ever meet.. https://www.danmcquillan.org/chatgpt.html
/HT @danmcquillan
#OnBullshit #MachineGeneratedText #ChatGPT #AI
#ai #chatgpt #MachineGeneratedText #onbullshit
> ... more than half of the datasets used for AI performance benchmarking across more than 26,000 research papers were from just 12 elite institutions and tech companies in the United States, Germany, and Hong Kong (China).
/HT @festal
#AI #ChatGPT #MachineGeneratedText #USA #Germany #HongKong
#hongkong #germany #usa #MachineGeneratedText #chatgpt #ai
I forgot to paste-in the link to the page where I got the quotes and felt moved to write a thread about #MechanicalWriting, #MachineGeneratedText, or
#ArvindNarayanan # JuliaAngwin #ChatGPT #TheMarkUpSite
#TheMarkUpSite #chatgpt #arvindnarayanan #MachineMassagedText #MachineGeneratedText #MechanicalWriting