I’ve updated all my Macroquad games and applications to v0.4. I’ve also updated the Macroquad shootemup game tutorial I’m writing.
My port of the game Infinite Bunner to Rust and Macroquad is mentioned in the latest Rust GameDev newsletter, as it’s now playable on the web. I started writing a section for it, but got distracted and never finished it.
#rust #rustlang #MacroQuad #gamedev
I just released a new version of my markdown slideshow presentation application.
It adds a command line flag to set the directory to read application dependent asset files. It allows you to keep a single copy of those files, while still having separate directories for each slideshow.
#rustlang #rust #MacroQuad #markdown
I just released a new version of my markdown slideshow presentation application.
It adds a command line flag to set the directory to read application dependent asset files. It allows you to keep a single copy of those files, while still having separate directories for each slideshow.
#rustlang #rust #MacroQuad #markdown
For those interested in my implementation of Advent of Code day 1 in Rust in my slideshow application Rusty Slider the link directly to my presentation is here:
#Rust #RustLang #RustySlider #Macroquad #Markdown #AdventOfCode
#rust #rustlang #rustyslider #MacroQuad #markdown #adventofcode
I just released a web playable version of my Rust+Macroquad port of the game Infinite Bunner from Code the Classics.
Press space to start and move with arrow keys.
#Rust #RustLang #Macroquad #CodeTheClassics #Frogger #gamedev #wasm #WebAssembly
#rust #rustlang #MacroQuad #codetheclassics #frogger #gamedev #wasm #webassembly
I've setup another Rusty Aquarium instance. This time showing the weekly activity on the hachyderm.io instance.
Each fish represents a week of activity at hachyderm.io. The size of the fishes show how many users registered that week, the fish speed is based on the number of statuses, and the amount of bubbles depends on the number of logins.
#RustyAquarium #MacroQuad #Rust #RustLang #WASM #WebAssembly #Hachyderm #dataviz #datavisualization #Vercel
#RustyAquarium #MacroQuad #rust #rustlang #wasm #webassembly #hachyderm #dataviz #datavisualization #Vercel
The story behind the Rusty Aquarium. Why I chose to use Rust and Macroquad to develop a data visualization application.
#RustLang #Rust #MacroQuad #DataViz #DataVisualization #WebGL #WASM #WebAssembly
#rustlang #rust #MacroQuad #dataviz #datavisualization #webgl #wasm #webassembly
My application Rusty Aquarium is a data visualization tool that maps data to fishes in a fish tank. Use it to show sensitive business data on a screen in an open area without anyone not in the know realizing what it means.
It runs in the browser, or as a native application om Windows, Linux, and Mac. Includes example to use as a system monitoring tool showing number of running processes and CPU load.
#rustlang #rust #MacroQuad #wasm #webassembly
I wrote a short blog post in Swedish about how I ported a small game from PyGame Zero in Python to Macroquad in Rust. #RustLang #MacroQuad https://blog.agical.se/posts/hoppa-over-till-rust/